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Y’all are adorable
Peppers can be so finicky sometimes, I find they act similar to a small child wanting constant attention hahahaha
They don't like extreme amounts of water and often times they will curl and drop their leaves due to over watering. They have a hard time setting roots and repairing themselves if they are transplanted too young. Mending with blood meal helps them grow. But most of your pepper plants are looking fantastic!
awww, Toby! Love seeing you kiddo!
Peppers look like it’s too hot
About your peppers; I remember in a previous video you said that side got a lot of rain blown in on them and that they got too much water because of that. Maybe that's why that side didn't do so well. Maybe you need to put up some kind of water deflecter, at least on that side, maybe glass luvered panels which would help deflect that water but still allow air to circulate. I'm certainly no expert, just basing my thoughts on observation of what you have talked about previously. I am curious to watch along through the summer to see the pepper's outcome and solution.
I'm in zone 6b and my peppers are the same as yours. I'm thinking it's just not dry/hot enough for them this year. Idk, maybe or maybe not.
Here’s my take on peppers. They grow in Mexico which is hot and dry. They grow well here in southern calif. . It is hot and dry , it isn’t humid . Perhaps they do not like the humidity
Lol it’s to spicy … let’s eat more
A much needed break from the world in your planteporium!!! Looks amazing!!!
Omg!!! too cute for words!!!!
Nice taters
What about gourds? When's the best time for those? My guy wants to make birdhouses.
What an adorable kid
By no means am i an expert, i have learned most i know about vegetables from you but i do like to direct sow my peppers and they seem to do fine until the pests get at at them (also living in florida has different growth patterns)
Jess, you truly do bless me with allowing me into your life!! Ty for that!! I heard something about a lack of calcium being a culprit. Make the leaves yellow. IDK though!! I'm at your level with the peppers!! Just not my strong suit! I just put a tums down at the base of my peppers today! I'm hoping it works! Thanks again!!! & Bless you!!
Jess it really seems like your peppers are getting too much water. More importantly it seems like the dirt is staying too moist. If the leaves are dropping I am almost certain that it is because the soil is too moist. Peppers like their soil to be kept "constant", but they want the soil quite a bit dryer than you want to keep tomatoes. I would remove the second strip of the drip irrigation. Do an experiment and see how dry you can keep a small portion of your pepper area so you can have a side by side comparison. Once you can somewhat dry out the soil in the pepper bed I would suggest feeding the peppers a good dose of calcium and magnesium (dolomite lime and worm castings should do the trick!)
The peppers that didn't do well look drier than the others. Perhaps your drip on that end is not working as well as the rest? IDK but peppers grow like weeds for me. (So Cal)
Aloha! I stumbled upon your video series and watch them daily now! Thank you so much for all you've shared and still share!!! May I ask where or did you make your head band? I work at the hospital and it would be so cool to use. Love the colors. You could also invest in a neck fan found on Amazon. I use it for gardening as well as when I wear my full PPEs at work. Happy Gardening…love your smiles!
Green is my favorite color, too.
High tunnel looks amazing!
Ben is so absolutely darling! I love watching his enthusiasm and joy in the garden!
Ben is so amazing……your children are so inspiring……

We had germination problems this past summer to. Had to replant about 40%
Hey Jesse, I use worm castings in my pepper beds as well as fish bone meal. I also spread Azomite as a mineral supplement. I also use Azomite in the soil mixture that I use with my Soil-blockers. I buy Azomite from Peaceful Valley in Northern California. When I lived in Southern California a 44lb. Bag of Azomite cost 25dollars and the shipping cost 12.00dollars which was unbelievably cheap. I highly recommend Orange Bell Pepper. I got my seeds from the Seed Savers Exchange but I think Bakercreek sells them as well. They are the best tasting Bell peppers!
Watch all the time, hardly ever comment, just throwing that out there! I have been watching for a couple of years now. I like to go back and start at the beginning with my "favorite youtubers". So today I got a good chuckle!! Since I already know how your 2020 pepper harvest turned out, it was so comical to hear you say in this video…."teach me how to grow peppers"!!!!! I used to always have a garden, quite large one, and then life happened. Physical issues that prevent me from enjoying a true passion. Thanks to YOU, Sweet Miah, and Rebekah Rhodes I will be doing a raised bed garden this year. Starting small, hoping my body will cooperate. Thank you for all the inspiration. Be Blessed, as you have blessed so many!!
Just in case you didn't know Cardinals are good luck God bless from my family to yours