March 2, 2025

VIDEO: How we grew potatoes (and our friends are here to get some pigs!) | VLOG

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: How we grew potatoes (and our friends are here to get some pigs!) | VLOG

  1. I have been growing potatoes (and yams) on my condo cement patio in 5 gallon landscape buckets. I just save back a few what ever i bought at the store…. letting them chit in a pot of dry soil a few months or if i feel fancy… on the counter in wine glasses. That makes for a good joke about teaching my potatoes to chit in glasses. Once they have chits… i plant (3 of them per pot ) in the bottom and fill it up and ignore them watering minimally. If they dont have sprouts yet… i plant on the bottom and cover them over with 4 inches. When they emerge… i cover with another 4 inches… and repeat until the bucket is topped off. Potatoes are a very forgiving vegetable. Even when something has eaten holes in the leaves… there is always good things below the surface. It's like Christmas…. dumping out the pot to see what's in there.

  2. I scrolled through 282 comments to see if anyone else asked but what is the red spotted plant on your “dining room” table on the porch you showed? I know you mentioned it in a previous video but I can’t for the life of me remember which video it was.

  3. I still don’t understand the “I bless you” shouldn’t it be “God bless you” or just” bless you” (which is a shorter way to say god bless you)Can you bless someone? Is this a catholic thing? if so should you be ordained or something to say “I bless you”. Just curious… not trying to be rude. I’ve grown up in a Christian household so just trying to learn.

  4. I have Yukon Gold seed potatoes that I haven’t gotten around to planting. I live in the PNW, the same growing zone as yours. Do you think it’s too late to plant them now?

  5. HI!! We are new to yalls channel! We've learned so much! Thanks! I have my first in ground garden and we are starting our new homestead. Slowly….also started a channel to document it all! It has been a wild ride and we just started!

  6. Oh please do a worm farm video!! I'm slowly starting a backyard Hot Compost bin but want to move into Vermicomposting soon. I would love to get your thoughts, tips, pros, and cons!

  7. I've googled whether my seeds/plants are Determinate or Indeterminate quite a bit.
    The unfortunate part is, sometimes the answer is "yes". Some plants, with specific "names", can be both which makes it a pain in the ass when suppliers don't tell you which type it is.

  8. I didn't know sending your camera somewhere to get fixed was a thing! Where can one send a camera in need of fixing? I've been trying to find a local store near me but haven't had success.

  9. May be an obvious answer, but where did you plant the potatoes? Directly in the compost that was on the cardboard, or did you cut a hole in the cardboard and plant in the soil under there?
    Also, how long did you have the compost sitting on the cardboard before planting? Thanks!

  10. We opened the beds put the leaves in the beds and put the potatoes eyes on the leaves and put leaves on the potatoes and then covered them up with top soil

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