March 15, 2025

VIDEO: What to do if Your Corn Gets Blown Down

Our Silver Queen sweet corn got blown down twice in a row. We watched each day as it stood itself back up! Pretty fun to watch!!

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: What to do if Your Corn Gets Blown Down

  1. Mine got blown over yesterday. Half of them were almost ready to eat. The other half I planted two weeks later and it has tassels, and silk on the ears but not pollinated yet I suspect. The silks had just started showing on some and the others were working on that. So they might be too heavy to stand up. The almost ready to eat corn needed to at least be up another week or two.

  2. Mine looks like that today. We had bad storms to move through on yesterday and I came on youtube to see what to do. Nothing, just wait. Thanks! I want to touch it so bad!

  3. Did you have exposed roots or root damage when this happened? I know you said the stalks didn't break. All of my corn is down due to Ersa, and I have exposed roots. It's a test plot of only 20 plants, as it's my first time growing corn, and they looked so great at the exact same size as yours.

  4. Having the same problem for the second time now with my Jerusalem Artichoke aka sunchokes. Last nights storm was worse and some have exposed roots too! Hoping they can stand back up again!

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