March 25, 2025

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Market Gardening in June (A Day in The Life of a Farmer in June)

  1. I don't understand what type of compost are you using. I tried with homemade compost and cow manure and the weeds are everywhere, almost covering my vegetables. Plus, if I use no dig, after a strong rain and then hot sun , the soil compacts so much that I can't plant anything if I don't dig again. Maybe the climate in your country is not so rough like in mine.

  2. Great content Moreno. Thank you for sharing. Is there anyway you can share with us the type of greenhouse you have and what to look for? Especially for beginner farmers wanting to grow for market. Thank you.

  3. Moreno absolutely fantastic what you have done in France and a big thanks for all the information you are sharing with those of us fortunate enough to come across your channel; the vids, the free ebook, and I've purchased the ebook version of the Market Gardener which is a priceless as well. I've done the online PDC course roughly 5 years ago with Geoff Lawton, we now own roughly 1.5 acres of land just outside Soreang (Bandung- Indonesia) @ an elevation of roughly 1km and want to start farming following your steps. Q; I hope you are considering organising work shops, as I am sure at least some in your audience would be interested (I would), I hope you find time to respond.

  4. Hi Moreno, ik heb al je videos bekeken en je gratis ebook okk al gedownload. Vraag: ik zag dat je de gridder van neversink gebruikt. Kun je die in europa kopen? Zo ja, waar? En ben je van plan om de paperpot transplanter te gebruiken? Ik zie hem nog niet in je videos.
    Groet Sabrina

  5. The best channel on small scale farming by a long shot! I recently purchased a small market farm, it's old and somewhat run-down but this is my transition out of the busy life. I'm doing my best to create a master plan but I've not been a farmer or worked on a farm. I'm planning to use silage tarps now to prepare beds for next season. Just two beds to start and maybe 2 additional beds each new year. Aside from 30" rows, what is a good size bed overall? Are there specific sizes you find most efficient and manageable? How wide are the walkways in between?
    Thanks for all of the effort that goes into these videos, they are tremendously helpful!

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