June 7, 2024

VIDEO: Harvesting Potatoes: From Start to Finish

In this video I’m planting, harvesting and cooking potatoes from start to finish. With summer in full swing and temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius for 2 weeks straight, we take a break from the homestead and enjoy lunch at a quiet spot next to a big lake. Enjoy!

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting Potatoes: From Start to Finish

  1. Moreno…it's always good to see you and your family on the homestead and to see the progress that's being made towards your vision/goal. Watching your 'silent' videos are, to me, like a recipe. I can see what you're doing and it allows ideas to come to mind of things I can do with the garden and cooking. I also enjoy a 'teaching' video that's more interactive and being able to see and hear from you what you're doing around the homestead. It's always good to hear what's working and being able to learn from each other. Again, happy for you and proud of you and the progress you're making!

  2. Thank god you don't have to feed a family on that (would be fine if you were just a crazy guy in the hottest place of Portugal, without any water, heat waves blasting around, and, as usual, tremendous forest firest screaming through the country. It's obvious your experiment has failed. i's time to pack in and think of your family. (Potatoes cost 10 times les in the suppermarket, then they cost you).
    Still, im glad to see that you guys are still all right. It looks like you have been saved from the fires (not that there is much to burn where you live)

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