March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Garden Harvest July 7, 2020

Out playing and harvesting in the garden today! We picked pears, cucumbers, squash, green beans, and blackberries. This is actually some harvest footage over a couple of days. Our squash is finished, so we removed the plants and planted purple hull peas in the row.

16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Harvest July 7, 2020

  1. It's so much fun to watch you harvesting, and the commentary on each batch. Your garden is a joy! Wish us luck here in west Texas — temps between 104 and 109 for the next week! YIKES!

  2. WOW! such big and nice harvest.I planted two asian pears last year and this year its loaded of pears growing.but its not ready to eat yet.soon will be.thanks for sharing.i'm going to give a tour video of my garden.

  3. Excellent harvest Lea and Al! I was surprised to hear you say it was "chore day"……I thought every day was chore day on the homestead! 😉 The grass looked really good after the cut, but I have to say that I do not miss cutting grass even a little bit! I was so happy to see the spreadsheet again! Wow, 8 years of records….you all have really made a commitment to your lifestyle! I have not seen anything about the pond for a while, are you still farming fish? Have a great weekend!!!

  4. Really neat keeping records of the different crops. Which bush green bean did the best between Provider and Contender? Thanks for sharing!

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