June 10, 2024

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Miah's Home LIVE CHAT (Take TWO)

  1. Hello Kids! I have recently developed a hip problem, and has laid me up ever since Feb..the third week..lots of bed rest..yuk..but during this time I came across your channel..and I sure have been enjoying you all..Little Missy I dont know if I have ever met a more energic and totally devoted to the homesteading agenda than you two..I love watching you all..you all work so well together,,and can see the love between you all and family…You both are so blessed …I found The Hollar Homesteaders as well through your channel..thank you ..d

  2. How interesting, our family was part of Worldwide as well & left when I was a child. I've never heard it come up before outside of my family & friends from then.

  3. Have you guys looked into internet boosters? Our friends have not so great service and have a booster that sits close to their internet and it just boosts the signal making it lag less for them.
    worth looking into i thought.

  4. I just wanted to tell you, watching your channels brings me as close to my aunts as it gets. They are farmers in Texarkana. You inspired me to grow a tomato plant. It did so well that I will be starting my first full garden this spring! Also, hi Miah, you rock!

  5. In an internet package, your upload bandwidth is muuuuuch lower than your download bandwidth. Maybe there's a way to ask your internet service provider to allocate your work account with the upload speed of two accounts at the cost of some download speed.

  6. Jeremiah, I loved your story about SEP. I grew up going to WWCG too and went to SEP in Orr twice as a camper and a high school worker. Living in MN, I also visited multiple other times for camp work weekends prior to camp opening. I knew a lot of the college staff who were there in the last couple years. Good memories!

  7. I didn't watch this video because the images were so awful. Am now watching it, JUST found out about the COVID exposure. My daughter tested positive a couple of weeks ago, and honestly felt like she had been hit by a train. 🙁 I REALLY hope everyone does well.

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