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Mia did change his shirt! Oh my!
Hi Jess and family! It was fun watching all of you harvesting the sweet potatoes together. What great family time! It was good seeing Jake and Asher since they're seldom in your videos.I would love for you to show share your sweet potato hash and baked sweet potato casserole. Thank you so much for sharing your family time with us!
Awwww – just because they’re mean, doesn’t mean they have to die.
So cute bless this family that eat what they grow
Those sweet potatoes looked amazing!
What a true blessing to hear you and your family laughing together while you harvest.
Not sure what I enjoyed more, the sweet potato harvest, you laughing or the boys!! Blessings!
I had to cure my sweet potatoes in the house last year so I literally stabbed lots and lots of holes in plastic bags, filled them with sweet potatoes, layered(kinda) them in crates and put them near a south window and rotated them every couple days. I got the idea online to help with warmth and mostly humidity. Then I wrapped each one individually in a paper lunch sack, because my husband was concerned about the ink in newsprint. (No, he wasnt thrilled with them being in gross plastic either but that was only a couple weeks and I had decided it was the only way to get anywhere close to the temp/humidity recommendations). Then I stored them in wooden crates in a spare bedroom on a restaurant rack that I have curtains around so they were in complete darkness. This method worked extremely well for me in 6b. Just sharing found knowledge for anybody looking. There is more to growing sweet potatoes than maybe most other crops but it does make a big difference in taste and storage if you can find a way to get close to those numbers. Great harvest R&R family! I cant wait to see what Mama makes! God bless you all!
Banana peels in the soil worked great for our the rose bushes where we live
"just because their mean doesn't mean they need to die" grinning ear to ear. you have to make a shirt with an orb weaver spider and that phrase.
"I sense it in my arm hairs" That's a very useful super power!!
Hilarious, I have 6 boys, 5 still at home and mine sound just like this when we garden… My oldest (15) helps, the next oldest (13) stands around and graces us with his presence… the littles make everything a game and talk so loud we can barely carry on a conversation! But, it's memories and learning as a family! That's what counts!
I have to agree with that young man . When there is electrically charged particles in the air. I can feel it in my arm hairs.
Chickens will love them greens
Was thinking growing sweet potatoes in a container here in Alaska but I think we had a 2 or 2 up in the lower 70 but mostly about 54. Curing them at 54 will it work ?
You can eat the sweet potato leaves.
You have cute little boys ^_^
All boys! My mom kept trying for a little girl and ended up surrounded by men also! Bless her heart!
Your family is so beautiful! What a lovely vlog
Such a sweet family! I love that your sons are so involved!
I am from Malaysia. I like to see your family is very fun. You have a garden that is the best.
I have a question for you about fertilizer for potatoes and sweet potatoes?
I LOVE this
Ohhh wooo a very good harvest together eith the kids. Happy family. Godbless
I did my sweet potatoes as I need them and cook within the hour. What happens with curing?
Beautiful family. Tks for sharing them with us.Blessings!!!
Such joy to watch your family. Thank you for sharing your life.
What do you do if you don’t have a place in your house that is 80-85 degrees with high humidity. How would you cure them then?