March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Moving Peppers Indoors for Next Year’s Garden!

We are moving our pepper plants indoors so we don’t have to start them from seed and we can just move the plants back outdoors when the weather warms in the spring. This will give us a 5-7 month advantage and we will have far healthier and larger plants. Check out our new clothing line!

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Moving Peppers Indoors for Next Year’s Garden!

  1. Luke, I am in Macomb Twp and just moved; my poblanos and jalepenos have a ton of flowers and baby fruit (way more than summer)! It is starting to get really cold at night (as you know) and I just moved yesterday but I want to dig up my plants and do this……Is it to late?? Also, once they come inside, do you put them in a sunny room, or do you want the plant to go dormant? Please let me know! Thanks

  2. I'm still not clear on the care of these plants during the winter. Amount of light? Amount of water? I live in SE Michigan. Help! Have read all of the below, watched the other video, still need clear advice on what to do with them over the next 5-6 months. Thanks.

  3. Are hoop houses not an option in Michigan rather than uproot the plant? Another guy removes all his leaves to over winter pepper plants. Do you not recommend that? If not, why? Thanks and appreciate all your info!

  4. Lots of differences in this from your first pepper transplant video. Learning and passing it on, right? I see in this video you recommend using native soul and previous didn't and also I'm this one you recommend a bigger pot. I went and bought 5 gallon buckets so I hope that will work

  5. I do not have any where inside to bring my peppers, can I can I prune and mulch and put some straw on top, and leave them where they are in the raised bed?. I am in zone 7b

  6. Any tips for growing peppers indoors over winter, from seed to harvest? Ive got the setup to grow I just am curious if bell peppers need anything different indoors vs when I grow them outdoors. Im not expecting the same yield, just something to do to keep me busy.

  7. I bought lots of superhots this year that I plan to grow. Rather than bring in an entire plant (I'll have 8-10 decent sized plants and the wife will not want that in the living room all winter lol) is it possible instead to propagate a cutting and maintain that over the winter to still get a headstart? I ask because I don't think all of these peppers are true to form, plus they may cross pollinate. I'm thinking the smaller plants will give me a similar (though perhaps lesser) benefit but be easier to manage.

  8. Very instructive, thank you. Two questions: 1/ if your going to move it indoors later why not just plant in pots to begin with (then you could just up size the pot to add grow space) 2/ how many years can you do this with the same plant?

  9. Thanks for another great video. I've been morphing my large garden into an urban farm over the last two years and the info on your channel has helped a lot! If I could ask a small favor of you, please considered using "center of mass" rather than "center of gravity" in your commentary. I mention this because misusing these terms undermines your credibility. Just trying to look out for you and your well deserved reputation. TIA for your consideration and keep up the fine job with your channel and seed sales.

  10. Now I'm confused. Your October 2017 video states to use a 1 1/2 gallon bucket with a sterile potting mix not garden soil. That's different from this one. Did I miss something? I enjoy your videos and they have been very helpful. Thanks

  11. Before I watched this video I watched the one you made on Oct 23, 2017. It seems that your message changed between these times. How did your other pepper plant do? And is that why I'm confused? Love your channel as I live in the U.P. and gardening is way short here, and I was looking for help in getting longer growing/producing plants to put out fruit like hot peppers.

  12. Nothing like waiting until the last minute! Tonight is supposed to be our first frost (31 degrees tonight) and my banana peppers are still in the ground, coming out today. Thanks for this video – SW Michigan

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