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Jess have you thought of putting lemons in large pots in your high tunnel, I know you said you couldnt grow them in your area but you may have more luck doing it this way xx
Never a pointless video from you lady.. It's always a treat when you share these kinds of sweet video's with us. Love and blessings from NC
Oh my it’s a Harvest Table! I love the idea of the “skinny Island”. This was a practice in old homestead kitchens to have these long slender tables to catch the fall harvest. But for them to be movable when the space needed to change as the season change.
I've been waiting to pick a handful of massive green bean pods, to save the seeds. But after the recent freezes, the pods look wet. Should I pick the pods and bring them in? I was trying to let them dry on the vine.
Miah, how did you start woodworking or carpentry?
nothing you do is pointless
We are canadian so our thanksgiving is in October. We always set up our tree mid November

love it
No video you do is ever pointless
Aaargh, I love the "Real food comes dirty" shirt but we mainly have hot weather here in Qld Australia. A hoodie/sweatshirt would only be used rarely. Any chance of a t-shirt in that style. I'll put my name down for 5 if you could.
It was not pointless! Love hearing about your cheerful space and I was also a purist, til this year. The minute halloween was over I was wanting to put up Christmas decorations. I held out for like a week. I think ots because Thanksgiving is going to be different and difficult this year for a lot of folks so we all just want some joy. Enjoy it, we have all earned it!
Here’s to joy! Just simple joy!!
Not pointless! I'm so excited for more kitchen vlogs!! I need all the food inspo!!
Amen Sista!!
Your hair looks great! Love it on you. So you!
My oh my Jess! Every time I watch one of your videos, ANY of your videos, it brings me so much joy. The loving, caring and kind aura that radiates off of you is so very heartwarming. No video that you make is pointless, there is always a lesson to be learned from you and your beautiful family. You truly are a glowing light to me and so many others. And what an extraordinary mother and wife you are. Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us.
With love from central Ohio,
Your videos are never pointless! And I think putting a tree up early is definitely ok for how this year has been! God bless!
Every time I watch your videos I want a big beautiful property with little kids and animals running around, roses blooming! Wonderful! AND I can't wait to see the tables!! So exciting. :). Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
I am very thankful to Roots and Refuge for the consistently good information. I am thankful that God has made these wonderful plants for us to eat. #Givethanks
Thank you for all the information you give to your viewers. I have learned so much and grew my first sunflower ever this year. Thanks again and may God bless you and your family.
15:11 One of the best video entries I have seen. So heartwarming.
The end of the video hits all the feel goods. Living the DREAM!
“This was kind of brief and somewhat pointless” – Jess I had to chuckle when you said that. As other comments above have also pointed out, we don’t subscribe only to get gardening advice or such, but to also to enjoy the peace and love that is demonstrated in your world and literally hang out with you for a while. Keep up the good work and we will be looking for more vlogs
This year is a year to have a longer Christmas season for sure.
Oh my gosh at the reflection on the trailer!