March 23, 2025


FREE, EZ REVITALIZE POTTING MIX How to. . So simple and Easy to do.

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  1. I add sieved leafmould and blood fish and bone fertilizer but I think I’ll add some worm castings this year as well. And maybe some home made compost….! It will grow anything. Thanks for the video.

  2. Yes. If anyone remembers my comments. I add the leftover potting soil to my garden beds. Helps to keep the soil fluffy. And as a bonus you might have a flower or two come up in your garden from those used flower pots.

  3. Great tip and I’m a huge fan of using used coffee grounds to add organic matter to our dead soil in Arizona and the worms love it too which adds worm castings to our soil bringing it back to life and the best part is it’s all free. Thank you for sharing another informational and motivational video.

  4. Your not going to grow susbtantial plant matter with coffee grounds and worm poop alone. I would revitalise my soil with rock dust, worm poop, blood and bone, guano, kelp, bio-char, maybe some insect frass and possibly some diatomaceous earth or other crushed rock powders. If you want to be cheap you can gather the seaweed at the beach and use other nearly free inputs like leaf mold, ashes and green manures that you can grow like comfrey.

  5. Great tips as always, Mark! I never thought about adding coffee grounds. Good to know that I can add my own home grown castings this year. Working on a tumbler based on your 5 gallon tumbler for castings.

  6. I allways upcycle the rootballs from old pots when I start a new compost pile. Roots on the outside, top on the inside. No need to put them in the county green waste bin.

  7. Hi Mark. Nice Video.

    Is It okay to mix it into composting pile.
    Seems to cool off my pile some.

    Mix was probably 15 to One part Old potting soil. Hmm.

    Thanks For All You Do Young Man.

  8. Hi Mark, thanks for your always helpful guidance. One question on this video, being an organic grower how can you add non organic coffee grounds to the soil? We only drink organic coffee, but not in amounts large enough to make a large amount, but I really wouldn't use some commercial coffee grounds.

  9. I've been gardening for only a few years. Composting, too. I have seen plenty of decomposing cardboard (and plastic) in my yard, but never any decomposing paper coffee filters. They all look perfect. I was throwing the coffee and filter on top of the container soil and letting the coffee fall off in it's own time. Doing everything wrong and the paper filter would end up blown into the bushes on the fence line. I pick them up when I see them but if I miss one I find it when it is bleached white from the elements. In perfect shape.

  10. My second vid and you have shot to no. 1 I use all sorts, alfalfa meal, alfalfa pellets, seaweed meal, fin and feather meal, Diatomaceous earth, crushed calcium, Epsom salt, volcanic rock dust, fin and feather meal, worm castings ( gold) coconut meal, ( I'm about to try coconut cream) micorizhae, the usual liquid suspects as well, but all up I use less than half strength. Love your vids mate, cheers from down under!!

  11. I have a quick question: When adding the coffee grinds to the fabric pot – do you take all the soil out first and then mix in the coffee grinds and worm castings – then put the soil back into the fabric bag? Thanks! I have some seeds sprouting now and I use the fabric pots a lot.

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