March 29, 2025

VIDEO: My thoughts on urban farming after 10 years

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone started Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada, in 2010. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.


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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: My thoughts on urban farming after 10 years

  1. I wasn’t going to write anything because you have your right to believe what you want but it is sad when someone uses their platform to spread ignorant comments. I’ve seen people from the left and right equally ignorant by blaming everybody but themselves for everything. It is the first sign of a lack of honesty and lack of self reflection. I always skipped past your rant, but I wished I listened so I could know the hate you are spewing so I wouldn’t have recommended you. I will make sure people know that you are not for the people but for particular people. As for someone who lives in a blue state, we don’t need that kind of hatred. I thought you were smart but it’s obvious you have been brainwashed. I hope you one day find yourself around the type of person that will enlighten you on your generalizations of people you don’t even know.

  2. Wow ! So much truth in a trim package. Thank you. Agree with you , I don't forward information on the flue B/S. Anymore. If they are dumb enough to have that Gates shit shoved in their bodies good for them.shame about the children. The brain drain in the cities has stopped, they are all in the country now. Appreciat the effort in trying to save so many for so long. Cheers.

  3. Cities are not old?? How about Rome – 2700 years. My home city – 700 years. All great civilizations around the world lived in cities for thousands of years. These cities survived most brutal pandemics in human history many times. Only cavemen tribes lived separated and were left behind in technology and innovation.
    BTW other countries are doing way better and it's pretty good to live in a city even during this pandemic.

  4. Respect, the changes are inline with what we are seeing across all continents. Time to gather together and make changes in our own lives that will help us all move towards a self-sustaining life style.

  5. I feel sorry for you and where your mind has gone. Your paranoia has consumed you. Coronavirus is real and infectious diseases will most likely take us out. Yes, this world is messed up and you do bring up some good points but then you seem to take a turn into conspiracies. Everything you point out that's wrong has simply to do with an unstable exploitative capitalism, but yet you failed to mention that. You seem to have got what you want, but left us to fight the system. I would love to be on my own land so I totally agree with your last part about returning to the country, reduce the population, and rebuild our lands. But I'm at least 10 years away from that like you were. I hope you still continue to educate on what your good at, but please go easy on the ideals and let's find solutions to do what you're saying.

  6. I could’t agree more with your views and sentiments in this video. I sold in the suburbs and bought 5 acres on the outskirts of Sydney 5 years ago. Best decision I ever made. I had a business I’m leaving because I am sick to death of entitled attitudes also. Add to that government complexity and waste. I’m out.

  7. mate, I love the content you create, been following you for many years, got your book, I think many things you are speaking about are very important and need to be addressed, especially corporate business and entitlement.
    Just please do me a favor and don't loose the plot over this whole pandemic drama 😀
    I think many of us lost the ability to have a healthy discussion and we all tend to be to black and white.
    I'd be very surprised if to date 170 million Americans would die because they got a vaccine.
    Anyway, that's all I will say about this topic.
    Please keep going with you great content !

  8. I am watching this in June of 2021. These views are fundamentally based on the continuation of the Covid for the longterm. If that was not the case, most, if not all of the arguments go away? Another question would be: Didn't you stop market gardening in 2018, pre-Covid?

  9. "Sovereign being" ? Oh,so you are not allowed to farm? Grow crops? What a lot of trolling nonsense. Unless you mean you would like to be dictator of everything. Pure twattle. Or you imagine leading a band of inoramouses into a noble Charge of the Light Brigade against the oh so serious repressions as you sit privileged on North American beautiful land with more freedoms than the rest of the world.. Blatantly weak and whining nonsense wrapped in an illusion of positivism.

  10. Why such doom and gloom…things are cyclonic i just hope we are at the end of it and humanity is here for each other again but yes the city is too much and i wish i could find some land

  11. Wow… "Those of you that will take the jab… will free up the world for those of us who will not." Truth bomb! Cities are not sustainable… which is why the government is trying to "citify" suburbia via the 2021 "infrastructure" bill.

  12. He talks like masks and social distancing are forever. Which is an absurd thought. I guess his thoughts changed once he got updated information like millions of people who have died and the massive rollout of vaccines. Also threat of domestic and foreign terrorism is forever. People were scared of foreign terrorism after 9/11 but then they realized people are not smashing plans into everything ever day. There are not riots everyday. Large groups aren’t smashing things everyday. People aren’t trying to overthrow the government everyday. We learn and fear washes away.

  13. 14:17

    he talks about all the bad things about a city then says he doesnt want to be in a city because of people think only bad things.

    He talks about fear in a city but left the city because of fear. His thoughts are perpetual. Fear is leading him to do things but blaming it on fear of others.

    Electromagnetism is bad even though no one has died from radio waves yet covid is fine even though millions of people have died. His mental stability is regressing. Genius when it comes to market farming though.

  14. Curtis won't be lonely or never much at all because of his family and the social network he has had a part in building and because he is connected with others the same. I can only imagine the close personal bonds he has formed with some. Growing with nature and people too.

  15. We can't all move to the country so there will have to be transformation and better harmony in the suburbs eventually. That could take the span of an average lifetime however. I think people of all kinds will continue to learn of what is doable from people like Curtis.

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