March 6, 2025

VIDEO: Freezer Tour | Buying Half a Cow

#GrassFedBeef #Buyinglocal #BuyingInBulk #LocalMeat

I hope you enjoyed this video! I buy my beef from BasketFlat Ranch in Battle Ground, WA

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IG @AcreHomestead

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Freezer Tour | Buying Half a Cow

  1. Thanks for sharing. We were thinking of doing the same thing. This past year was the first time raising our own pigs. The flavor compared to store bought was a night and day difference. How was the meat you got? Big difference?

  2. I am having a real problem with the sound on some of your videos, I can barely hear them. I really wanted to watch them! I thought maybe it was a one off at first, it's not as I have found more. I even use an external speaker, it doesn't help much. I don't know what you could do, but if you could help please!!!

  3. Do you pickup 1/2 a cow and put it in your car and you take it to the butcher or does the rancher take the cow to the butcher and you pickup packaged meat from the butcher?

  4. Omg!! I just ordered my first half beef and whole pork. IM SO EXCITED!!! NOw that i found you i plan to cook and Prep my meals in advance too. I love cooking and baking so it'll be fun. The hubby and I both work fulltime and have 4 kids (2 human and 2 fur) so it'll help with meals for the week days.

  5. Can I ask where you went for your cow? And what it cost you? I live in the same area as you and we are talking of doing a half or quarter cow and pig. I found a place in Marion County that does cow, pig and chickens. But wow like to see about other places.

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