May 28, 2024

VIDEO: Stocking Up Before It Runs Out | Costco and Azure Grocery Hauls

#AcreHomestead #AzureStandardHaul #CostcoHaul #Stockpiling #BulkFoodHaul

Instagram @Acre Homestead

Learn More About Azure Standard Here –

Grocery Haul Playlist –

Vidoe on Freeze-Dried Bone Broth –

Sour Dough Starter –

My Recipe Blog is

Favorite Cook Book!!
American Test Kitchen Cooking School —

Canning Supplies I Used:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Presto Pressure Canner —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —
Pink Himalayan Salt —

Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Stocking Up Before It Runs Out | Costco and Azure Grocery Hauls

  1. Not sure if you are aware of this but you can fry those tortillas in canola oil and make delicious chips. I buy the smaller corn tortillas and quarter them then I use what seasonings I want to them such as chili powder and a mix of olive oil and lime juice I spray from a spray bottle the mix of olive oil and lime juice. Also use other seasonings sprinkled on them No salt used

  2. Have you tried fermenting your chicken feed? I get the 50# bag of Kamut grains from Azure and set up a 4-day rotation in quart jars (1 c. grains + filtered water). I still have their regular layer feed in the bin, but it has really helped cut my feed bill! It's really good for them, even if it is a bit of extra effort for me. I'm new to your videos and am really enjoying them! I hope you do a video of the pantry re-vamp! I don't have a dedicated pantry but need some organization ideas! TYVM!

  3. Thank you so much for taking the time to show us this with the Azure order. I was going to place an order and had wondered how big the spice bags were. I think you need a few Azure bucks for referring me and others. I cannot wait to get my first order. You really are inspiring.

  4. First of all – I love your channel ! I’ve learned a lot of great recipes from you (made your hot sauce recently and it was sooo good! ) on a different note after seeing that you buy organic tampons-you should try a menstrual cup … as a teacher and someone who is active like you they changed my life (seriously !) I also saved SO much money , not to mention -waste. I was hesitant at first , but I’ve been using one for 5 years and will never go back! Sorry if this is too personal – it just seems like it would be something you would be interested in !

  5. This is the 2nd video that I watched of yours where you mention that it is not the toothpaste but in fact the toothbrush that cleans your teeth. So I'm curious, what toothbrush do you recommend to your clients?

  6. I appreciate the info about toothpaste. I've been buying "whitening" toothpaste for years. I wonder how much money I've wasted?? Oh well. Live and learn. Thank you for enlightening me!

  7. It's people like you that cause Mass hysteria and go in and buy in bulk and then leave nothing on the shelves for anybody else stop panicking you live on a homestead fucksake you really need to go and hoard everything else come on put the mass hysteria back into the pocket
    Basically what I'm saying is your the problem people like you you're ridiculous and you obviously don't give two s** about anybody else good job first thing when the supply chains are stuck it's going hard everything so nobody else can have anything either cuz that makes perfect sense and yes in case anybody's wondering I'm f**** angry quit doing stupid s*** like this for you cause Mass Hysteria

  8. Get a bidet unit for your toilet and you use way less toilet paper or with the bidet unit you can use cotton cloth to wipe with and wash them in the laundry.

  9. I have some questions? What do you use all that cocoa powder for also how do you store your spices? What are you using the canned coconut milk for?

  10. Have you ever heard of Who Gives a Crap toilet paper? It's a subscription service so you don't have to worry about running out or lugging that much TP around AND it's made with 100% recycled paper so it's a much more sustainable option…the youtuber Shelbizleee has a discount code for it too! 🙂
    P.S. Love your videos, they've been getting back into the kitchen enjoyable again! ❣❣

  11. Buy 10 yrs of multivitamins and supplements for immune support, toilet tissue, feminine hygiene and other hygiene items, water, and spices…then other items. Stay safe.

  12. I have a 10 month old who I'm cloth diapering (not religiously I dont beat myself up when we use disposables) but for that I have a sprayer on my toilet. I've started using that as a bidet and cloth to dry off after. Its saving us TONS actually on toilet paper. (We're on a well so it doesnt really effect our water cost for washing and we're doing the wash anyway for the diapers!)

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