March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Farm to Table One Pot Wonder | Homemade Pasta | Cooking the Wood Stove

#Homesteading #CookingFromScratch #FarmToTable #Prepping #WoodStove #OnePotWonder

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Farm to Table One Pot Wonder | Homemade Pasta | Cooking the Wood Stove

  1. I enjoy watching you cook (etc) but I really enjoy how you address us viewers and make your stories/advice feel like it's coming from a close friend. So happy to have found you!

  2. I love how you show basic techniques in real life!! Just try, learn and adapt. In IT SPEAK – be agile. Try with the ingredients you have, use basic techniques like from the book you recommend – and INNOVATE. If you're not baking it's not scientific – it's art. Embrace the art and have fun.

  3. Freezing eggs can be done with ice trays. Place the cracked eggs in the ice cube tras. Freeze the eggs in the tray.once frozen pop eggs out and store in plastic bag in the freezer. These eggs thawed work for any thing except sunny side up .

  4. Have you looked into water glassing your extra eggs, for low laying times? If you try it, do it in gallon sized jars, not 5-gallon buckets. That way you can get to the older eggs to use them first. It was the only way to preserve eggs before refrigeration. You should give it a try, for your viewers!

  5. Hiya loveing ur videos binge watching all your videos there great your Wonder Woman loards of motivation struggle myself with motivation but love your garden your recipes are great can’t wait to keep watching love hanging out with you breccia xx

  6. what my mum used to do with her chickens when we were kids, she used to either boil then mash or just dry scramble the eggs (note please dont season the eggs with anything and if scrambling the eggs, dont use any oils/fats or seasonings on them) then when cold enough, feed them to your chickens along with the egg shells, she swears that the eggs used to be better and tastier and the chickens loved them so much they used to mob us for it as soon as we walked into the chicken run with it! if you are in an area where your not allowed to feed your chickens from the kitchen then always leave 2 out of your 10 daily eggs in the shed and at the end of each week, hard boil them in your shed or on any kind of outdoor stove then when they are 'hard' boiled, mash them up with a fork or potato masher when cooled, then feed them to your chickens as a weekly treat 😀 much love from the uk xxx

  7. One of my favorite ways to preserve eggs is to pickle them. Use the spicy pickled egg recipe from YT channel Living Traditions Homestead. The eggs are are so delicious by themselves but I can also make a quick egg salad by adding mayo. They taste just like deviled eggs without the mayonnaise. They will store for three months in fridge and I make several jars at a time. my husband grabs a couple on his way out the door to work for a quick breakfast.

  8. Hey Sweet Pea! Don;t get an expensive Food Saver and the even more expensive bags. I will tell you what a lady in Alaska taught me. Her husband was a hunter and they never bought meat. They ate moose, deer, elk, caribou, ptarmigan and grouse. She told me she never had any of her food get freezer burned using her method.
    Have you ever been in the water in your clothes or seen someone else come out of the water with their clothes all plastered to their bodies from the water pressure?
    Well she fills a pot or her sink with cool water and after she fills a freezer zip lock bag with whatever. She then puts a full bag into the water up to the seal and then zips the bag close. The water pressure pushed all of the air out of the bag! Neat trick! You'll have to try it.

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