June 9, 2024

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Live Chat with Jess and Miah!

  1. Hello to you both from subtropical Queensland Australia!

    Thank you for being real as a family and as a couple. Your journey is a delight to watch, and i am so grateful you share it with us.

    It's fascinating to watch your prep in the gardens, for your spring planting… as i am literally parallel planting whilst on the other side of the planet. Our summer is a hot mess of either massive dumps of rain through cyclones passing by, or cut the air with a knife rank humidity, as well as insect overload, so most of my beds remain fallow… autumn is the kick off bed prep, seed start, frenzy planting, we don't have frosts being so close to the coast, and can grow tomatoes and capsicums right through winter… 25 degrees celcius is a common temp right through winter.

    Melons are an early spring planting, as is cucumbers, unless we are having an exceptionally dry mild winter.

    As to your new property…. i have no desire to know, as i trust your wisdoms you have accumulated, and your priorities being your family i know you have chosen the best possible property that is available to you and your family right now.

    You're a joy to watch, Jess, and your kindness and care for everything you do shines through… big love from this aussie granmother to you, dear lady… please keep sharing your joy, it's contagious ❤️

  2. My husband, son, and I recently (in '18) purchased acreage, designed and built a house (in '19) and are building our "dream farm" ('20, now), and I COMPLETELY understand wanting to keep all the decision-making private until some semblance of final decisions are determined and shareable. It's just too much to do if you're navigating your own options and processes while fielding everyone else's visions foisted onto your life. Keep it close until you're ready to share! Maybe even make it feature length and premiere it, Justin Rhodes' style!!! (See, there I go, pushing my ideas onto your life. Checked myself!) 😀

  3. We're moving too. We are moving our farm, 7 kids, my mom and our business all across the country. So every word you've said in your vlog today and in yesterdays live have been so encouraging. Thank you so much. Love watching you guys.

  4. We also have a bee allergy (life threatening) in our family and we live on a cranberry marsh. We actually rent bees for the cranberry pollination. So. For her sake, we have epipen. We also started allergy therapy with ENT. We had to. She also has no contact with the hives. It is definitely hard.

  5. Had a large male goat with large Horns, he came at me and I picked up a piece of lath and started hitting him and yelling at him I ran after him until I had only 6" of lath left! I only had to turn to him and point and tell him no, I had become the dominant alfa. My husband would flip him over and stand on his horns for several minutes, it made my husband alfa also. He (the goat)then made the freezer. I butcher myself, no bone and no fat, only meat, used a few more spice and the meat was good.

  6. REFERENCE IDEA to help future Live Videos. A vlog answering common questions for your moderators to reference. Because of seasonal questions you may want redo it every six months. I have not caught a Live yet, I've just watched a lot of replays and thought this might be a helpful idea.

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