March 14, 2025

VIDEO: It's SPRINGTIME, Baby! (Baby Chips and Pretty Eggs) | VLOG

One of the most exciting calls of springtime happened this morning! Our chicks are here and my egg basket just keeps getting prettier!

Our chicks (and our Brinsea heatplates) are from Murray McMurray Hatchery (Whom with LOVE):

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: It's SPRINGTIME, Baby! (Baby Chips and Pretty Eggs) | VLOG

  1. EMS- why did you need an ambulance? What happened? Jeremiah- well, it's just so green she exploded. I cant really explain it to you unless you garden. Jessica- (revives) Do you garden? do you have raised beds? Have you tasted fresh tomatoes?… I can just see it.

  2. Got my first chicks. I kept them in my room. (Well they still are in my room) we used a heat lamp. I was sooo nervous about the heat lamp. That’s why it was in our room. In the middle of the night we hear a pop!!!! It exploded. Me and my husband jumped up so fast!! The chicks are fine. And now no more heat lamps.

  3. Wow Ms Jess i have been watching you for a long time. Purchased your book and remember you saying you look at all your comments wondering y you would not help me and answer my question

  4. For your adult bird set up – What brand of electric netting is that and do you have any aerial predator issues with that set up at all? Thanks!

  5. I love those chick brooders! We have used ours outside in Vermont in March with freezing temps and never lost a chick. They are also much healthier and feather out faster being raised outdoors.

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