March 7, 2025

VIDEO: Planting Out Luffas, Winter and Summer Squash and Talking through Gardner's Doubt

#Homesteading #Gardner #GrowYourOwnFood #RaisedBeds #Gardener’sDoubt #BackYardGarden

Thanks for helping me walk through planting out my winter and summer squash beds. It can be hard sometimes to trust myself being such a new gardener but I don’t think I can let that stop me from just going for it!

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IG @Acre Homestead

Papper Pots:
Growing Herbs:
Pantry Tour:
Garden Tour:
Brown Sugar:
Drying Leeks:

Some of my favorite gardening tools!
Square Food Seeder:
Canning Cook Book:

Some of my favorite kitchen essential!
Glass Snap Wear:
American Test Kitchen Cooking School:
Pink Himalayan Salt:
Spice Jars:
Large Food Storage Containers:

Azure Standard:
Organic White Flour:

Organic Oats: Https://

Pink Himalayan salt:

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting Out Luffas, Winter and Summer Squash and Talking through Gardner's Doubt

  1. I am going to try staking my zucchini this year and pruning. I watched some you tube videos. Maybe check that out and that will help the onions to not be overcrowded. Take a look at staking them. It may be your solution

  2. I had a yellow zucchini and a green zucchini planted next to each other the year before last. I ended up with the coolest zucchini, the top was yellow the bottom was green!

  3. I def have that anxiety too, but I've been forcing myself through it. just keep telling myself that we're not a settler family out on the prairie. We won't starve even if every plant dies. The grocery is two miles away! That usually spurs me to just try whatever I'm thinking of. What do you think about making another panel arch between the short end of that bed, over the walkway, to the short end of the bed behind it? It would look pretty and you could harvest from underneath. If you watch gary at the rusted garden, he's got those between a lot of his beds and it looks so nice — a tunnel of green with the veg hanging down. Can't wait to see your loofah!

  4. Best get that loofa in the ground ASAP. It’s about 180 days to harvest the gourds and you need to let them dry on the vine before your first freeze. I start mine indoors normally in March and will transplant them about Memorial Day (they’ll be in a 1 gallon pot by then). Plus they need a pretty sturdy trellis.

  5. This is my first year doing any real gardening and I am SO very feeling you on this whole gardeners doubt. I literally cried over BER on a few tomatoes after a massive rain storm blew threw for 4 days here followed by basically 5 days of near drought conditions where it was dry and baking hot. I hope it gets better the more time you garden LOL.

  6. Remind yourself that every year, every season, every day – it's all an experiment. Just because something does tremendously well for you one year, doesn't mean it will every year. Every growing season is different. The weather, different insects flying through, airborne diseases, Animals, watering… I planted out two large pots, right next to each-other- same everything, one died the other all flourished. Ever have one of those "Champion Seeds" that just outgrow all of the others, yet produce about the same? "The worst mistake you can make. is being afraid to make one." Be a "Mad Scientist!" Have fun trying new things! Learn from your mistakes and move on.

  7. We always have great success with our corn and the secret is when they're about 6 in high you fertilize and then cover that fertilizer up alongside the corn route and then when they're about knee-high you fertilize again the same way and then when they start to tassel you then give him another dose of fertilizer that way you will produce nice big ears of corn unless of course you have some kind of disaster with your weather

  8. I grew some pumpkins and squash they took over the whole bed, I was going to try growing them on a trellis, but I haven't had a garden since. You could try that.

  9. Luffas?Why so many? I used2 grow 1plant under a tree &a ton of 'em wood b hanging down when mature, &at 5 r 6 inches long, I cook'd 'em &ate 'em like squash.
    I wood also grow only 1 r2 zucchini plants (they'll multiply fast). Too many zucchini plants &you'll have a zillion mosquitos. Plus I wood plant 'em 4–5 ft. apart cuz they need lotsa rm. 2grow. &Ur rite, chickens eat the squash, but I just didn't think it was worth the zillion mosquitos. But, Good Luck.

  10. If you like music "maybe IDK" by Jon Bellion is a GREAT song that helps me when I get stuck wondering about things out of my control and that are just wasting time! He is an amazing artist!

  11. I have this worry about when to put seeds in to the ground and I worry that the frost will just take all my hard work away if it plant to soon. Then when I think it's the right time to sow its already "to late" and I just buy transplant! I also have trouble starting seeds. I just bought a grow light for this year so I'm excited!

  12. Yep feel that severely regularly. It's slows down my productivity for I find myself just standing in the garden staring into space, wondering if I could do things better. It's horrible. I find if I take my headphones with me and listen to an Audible book or music it keeps my mind quiet.

  13. It takes me a lot of mental energy doing crafts but I tend to be carefree with gardening. Things don’t always turn out but it makes me appreciate the wins more.

  14. I have so many doubts. LOL But then I just tell myself-put it in the ground already! If it grows, it grows. If it doesn't, don't repeat last year's mistake. I'm really hoping that you'll do a garden planning video for us this winter. We could talk about mistakes, success', pests, companion planting, trellis systems, best frugal tips, etc. I heard you mention the newspaper pots again and I'm curious-would brown paper sacks work too? I'm thinking you could get about 50 for a $1 at the dollar tree. I know some people use empty toilet paper rolls. With Xmas coming up, probably could use the empty wrapping paper rolls-cut to size and fold over.

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