June 9, 2024

VIDEO: 🌽 How to Grow the Best Corn!

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Corn is an amazingly satisfying crop to grow…but there are a few key tips you need to know in order to grow it really well.

Perhaps you have tried growing corn in the past, only to discover that pests or diseases have spoiled your crop, or that they have toppled over in the wind? Perhaps you found that the kernels just didn’t ripen or that the cobs tasted bland?

Well, this is the video that will solve all of those problems and help you to grow your best corn crop EVER!

Get ready for a BUMPER HARVEST with Ben’s top tips on how to avoid common corn problems.

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
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If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at https://BigBugHunt.com

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: 🌽 How to Grow the Best Corn!

  1. I have acquired an allotment and I'm going to try growing a block of corn. The other chaps at the allotment say it's a waste of time as the badgers eat them. Now, I've read male urine can be sprinkled about as a deterrent. Has anyone had any experience of this method?

  2. Great video & excellent tips. I successfully grew corn last year & very lucky to be still eating it now. Love your channel. Cheers Denise- Australia

  3. I live in Mississippi and grow sweet corn every year. I hill my corn rows and plant in squares , direct sow and sometimes mix in sunflowers or vine peas/beans we have strong west winds sometimes tornadoes here in summer and thunderstorms that will sometimes knock down a few stalks exposing roots, just cover the root with some dirt and the stalks will usually stand back up on its own in a few days provided it isnt snapped or broken . thanks for the info on the pest and pollenating, I learned some things I will try .

  4. G’Day Ben, Hand water or irrigate below plant. No rust and helps keeps pest off. See your sprinkler, certainly helps time saver but you look like someone who would like to do things better. Corn is my fav, so if there is any crop I put more effort in, its corn. I use a wand and water my rows. I have a small block 5×5, stalks stand up high enough easy to water. Shallow roots so no need to spend but a few mins in each row. Thanks for your time, and always be corny!

  5. I have had luck planting corn and pole beans together in the same bed. The beans provide the corn with fertilizer and the corn stalks give the beans something to grow on. I tried the three sisters method before, but I have a problem with squash bugs killing the vines, so now I just plant two sisters.

  6. Great video mine are in my greenhouse as I live in Ireland in countryside in one of the windiest counties and I'm on a hill. There looking healthy about a foot tall can I keep them in here and keep topping them up as we have mink and foxes as so close to house along with many cats???? Thank you ❤️

  7. The tassels keep producing pollen for days, so rather than clipping them off when they start producing, I go around and collect all the pollen in a large plastic bag, shake it up well and distribute it around to the silks. That also lets many different plants potentially pollinate each ear.

  8. Is corn a financially attractive crop to grow in a garden, compared to others? From what you said, it seems you get about 10 plants per square meter, and it seems like there are two cobs per plant? That sounds like ideally I can get 200 cobs in 10m². Comparing the Tesco corn-on-the-cob price of £0.64/cob, that would value at £128 minus costs. It doesn't seem very much compared, for example, to growing raspberries. Is it actually a worthwhile crop to dedicate a space in the garden, from the perspective of saving on buying groceries?

  9. Hey Ben! I have been inspired today to plant my own corn field that is a matrix of 4 x 4 with some holes double planted, so about 20 corn seedlings (or starts). I tilled my soil and put in some decomposed chicken manure about a month ago and have been gradually forking through the field in order to break up some compacted soil. I then covered it with compost, measured out the matrix, dibbed some holes and poured in a pinch of mychoryzal funghi powder into each hole. Planted out pre-moistened seedlings into each hole, backfilled and watered in. This is the first of what will be the three sisters. You mentioned a lot about pests but what do you do about dead baseballers walking through the field, I really don't want to tear the whole thing down just to put in a baseball diamond 😉 Cheers!

  10. If you’re in the country, don’t plant sweet corn anywhere near feed corn. They will cross and nothing good will come of that. My brother-in-law did it. Used his seeder to plant the last two rows of a field with sweet corn rather than field corn. Just disgusting

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