March 23, 2025


First TIME This EVER HAPPEN to MY GARDEN Sugar Snap Peas. This year of 2021 has been a very different kind of spring.

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: First TIME This EVER HAPPEN to MY GARDEN Sugar Snap Peas

  1. I'm in Willismsburg, VA. Same problem plus my chickens got into the garden and ate all the tops off!!! Ugh!! Well at least something enjoyed it!!

  2. mark I am very thankful you made this video!!… the EXACT same thing is happening here in 5b northern Indiana and I was concerned it was because I've planted in pure leaf mould this year!… my peas are thin and small, puny and a little on the light green side… I was going to give them some fish hydrolysate but now I think I'll just hold off and see where we go… so happy you posted this thanks again!

  3. Having the same issues with my peas—5A in Iowa. Good to know I’m not the only one… What variety of Comfrey do you use? Is it Blocking 14?

  4. Thank you for that. I have nothing to compare since it's my first year gardening but I already love growing peas, specially the snow peas.

  5. My peas always look like that and it drives me crazy. They seem to develop downy mildew after awhile too. Trying new varieties this year and I waited to plant them u til April 28th. They just popped out of the soil 3 days ago. I'm hoping the later start will fix the problem.

  6. Similar situation around Calgary and area. I have not started anything yet except a squash, chilli pepper and a 5 cloves of red Russian garlic.

  7. We’ve been experiencing a lot of wind in 9b too and most of our plants are doing well except our jujube and fig trees which are slowly coming out of dormancy. Thank you for sharing.

  8. 7B also the same. Just another Q Mark. I planted my strawberry in the leaves, they grow quite well but a little small due to the weather, but every morning I have to go there and check my plants. Birds are burying the strawberry plants every day. Some of them Are completely covered with leaves. How do you cope with that? Thanks in advance.

  9. Some of my peas are stunted and others doing well. Soil issue I suspect. Couldn't afford enough amendments and slacked off on composting well over the Fall and Winter and was unable to procure wood chips this season.
    It will all come out fine in the end.

  10. Hi Mark! I wish YT would let us post pics in comments. I have 2 clumps of what looks like that weed and all my ID efforts come up as mugwort, a medicinal herb that people forage for. I'll be pulling it for sure either way because it picked a bad spot….if it ever stops raining!

  11. We're also in 6b in the Ozarks. Similar stuff with the erratic weather this season. Your comfrey looks very good. We had some and the sheep massacred it. Have to start more.

  12. I planted my peas 3/12 (zone 6a). I thought they’d appreciate a snow blanket. But they haven’t. They’re about 2” tall and just growing so slowly. My beets and carrots planted at the same time never came up and the spinach and onions and radishes are struggling too. I thought it was just me, but dramatic fluctuations in temps makes sense.

  13. Of the few things I have been brave enough to plant out here in zone 4a it's slow germination. It's very dry too. Should be warming on the over nights next few days. I'm going for it and going to get planting.

  14. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I'm planning to rebuild my soil with cover crops and sunflowers. Do I need to remove the grass that's in the yard first?

  15. I organically spray hay fields and pastures here in Texas, and its abnormally cool. Yesterday was 19 degrees under normal. I think the solar grand minimum's effect is now being felt. Get use to it.

  16. Omg!! So reassuring! I’m a novice gardener and I was really getting discouraged thinking I’ll never escape the “curse of the black thumb”. Thank you for sharing. Misery loves company! 5b/6a.

  17. Hi Mark, it is so good to have someone so knowledgable in my state and growing zone. I have learned so much from you and going through the same problems in real time (like the pea issue) is very comforting. My question is regarding weeds. I generally leave them until I have to plant in that area. How do you think determine which weeds to leave and which (like the hogwort) to take out? Thank you.

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