Finally! The time has come to pulling our garlic for the year. Last year we planted around 100 cloves of garlic to harvest, and today we will be pulling roughly 90 heads which is a great survival rate! It should be exciting to see what we get.
VIDEO: Our Organic Heirloom Garlic Harvest!
Finally! The time has come to pulling our garlic for the year. Last year we planted around 100 cloves of garlic to harvest, and today we will be pulling roughly 90 heads which is a great survival rate! It should be exciting to see what we get.
We just survived 118. I will take 93 any day. I will be harvesting soon. I can’t wait it’s my first year.
Hey Luke, good day from Trinidad and Tobago! Thank you for the excellent videos!
I just grow it in containers next to my porch so I can control temperature and moisture. I get ground squirrels that eat them if I leave them in the ground. They destroy tulips every year.
I loved growing garlic. I had a great harvest this year
You ain’t kidding I’m like 4 hours away Indiana an it was 92 degrees at 8pm last night! I harvested my garlic first time growing it! Turned out great learning a lot about the soil it needs to get big bulbs.
Garlic question: We're in zone 5A. I planted last fall in a elevated raised bed, soil is 12" deep, per your video, covered w pine shavings. Late fall was pretty warm and the garlic grew about 3 inches. This spring there was NO garlic in the bed, none. It's like it was never planted. The soil/shavings were not disturbed. Any ideas what might have happened?
Hey Luke how do I keep squirrels from eating my tomatoes? Their not even waiting for them to ripped they like mine green. And picking all of them.
My garlic harvest was mediocre at best. Could you do a video for those of us in the nowhere zone between the long-day and short-day garlic strains? I am in Maryland in Zone 7a. Thank you!
Luke, I don't know what to. Our city just made a mandatory 20% reduction in water usage due to the drought.
My husband and I have always been conservative with water, no lawn, mulching plants.
How do I decide what veggies to not water? My beds are on cement and 12 inches deep for the most part.
Hot in Ohio too
I would love to know when the garlic was planted. I have several children running around and may have missed the plant date.
It ain't exciting when I get ripped off paying twice the price and getting seed packets half full of seeds by toughing thieves buying a store with stolen money
I was upset with my harvest of garlic this year. Expanded to 2 4×4 raised beds, one with soft neck and 1 hard neck. Planted a tad later than I usually do and wound up pulling up about a month earlier than I usually do. Pulled it up because every single one of my soft neck garlic had been decimated by some bug and multiple on my hard neck garlic as well though at least I do have some. Was watching Home Grown Garden ( I believe) and she said she was pulling her garlic up a bit early for the same reason. She had said it is from the allium leaf miner bug. Looked like what mine looked like. Undecided on whether or not I will grow garlic this year. What should I do with the bed, Luke? Don’t want to use pesticides. I am guessing I need to remove the dirt and totally replace it. Is there an organic pesticide I can use if this happens in the future? Of course the sad part is it grows underground. There were in the stalks as well.
Thanks for videos on garlic, Luke! I have been growing garlic for 20 years with mixed results. Last year I left it in the ground too long and all of the heads opened up. Needless to say, they did not keep well. I ended up peeling all of the cloves and keeping them in the fridge before moving them to the freezer. I sorted out the biggest cloves and started them in SOLO cups in the greenhouse before moving them out to the garden just before we started getting heavy frosts. I made some fine wood chips that matched the consistency of what you used to mulch them and mulched them when I planted them. I watched this video on 7/6, and on 7/7 I harvested about 3-dozen of the nicest garlics that I have ever grown. Thanks for helping me be a better gardener, never to old to learn to be better!
I was looking for some silverskin garlic varieties. Rose Du Var or French Red. Do you think you might have them in the fall?
What do you do with the garlic after you harvest it? Do you leave the tops on and let it dry for a few days, or do you trim it back right away?
Thank you .I pulled mine too early. Now I know
What are some plants you can grow that you can plant after you harvest the garlic? (And that you can harvest before you have to plant your garlic again for the next year!)
IN all seriousness, PLEASE write a book on how to maintain a producing garden year-round!
With your good advice, I've just harvested my first garlic crop! I grew cloves in a large container, started last October. Want to prepare the soil for a new crop. How should I amend the soil for the new planting? What should I use? Should I use the same container again? Thanks for your terrific channel. Great information!
If you don’t harvest garlic, will it come back again the next year without becoming bitter? Anybody know?
Last year I ordered garlic from MI Gardener. Was added to the wait list but was not notified and I missed out on what I hoped would be my first garlic crop.
I'm on the garlic wait list. Can't wait to grow garlic. First timer, here!
Oh my , goodness , doing some shopping today on your site , Thank u …
Yes , we are growing ourselves, thank you so very much & we are in Texas with strange weather compared to 14 yrs ago , but using the tips you r giving is so helpful ..thank you an everyone should save, either freeze, freeze dry , or vacum pack all fruit, veggies , etc…..
So when will the bulbs be available for sale this year?
I just purchased some garlic seeds from your website. I appreciate the video. I have never grown garlic before, but I know your videos will help me. Thanks.
What happens if you plant your garlic a little late?
just ordered 5 different seeds garlic from Migardener and looking forward if I would be as successful as yours, Luke.