June 7, 2024

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow The Largest Fruit Native to North America – The Paw Paw

  1. Have you tried roasting the seeds? Seriously many wild trees do not propagate unless the seed suffers severe heat caused by forest fires. Concidering Paw Paw is Native North American it can be qualified as wild. Doing research on temperature variables would probably solve the problem of efficacy for seedling. Also, of course inoculation of the soil with proper microorganisms will help!!!
    Just saying. My forestry degree should profit someone if not myself!!!

  2. A few glaring errors in this: paw paws have VERY deep taproots and the PH of most forest soils is in the 6.3 range, which is probably what the PH of that compost was, NOT 7 or neutral. Stop doling out superficial and or bad information on subjects you barely researched from the POV of an expert, MI Gardenener…

  3. Got mine from Missouri Department of Conservation. Took about 10 years to start bearing fruit. The fruit is quite a bit different tasting among the trees. I found the easiest way to harvest them is to have mulch under the trees. When the fruit falls it is ripe. Within two or three days it deteriorates. My trees are almost 30 feet tall and difficult to reach to pick. I have heavy clay soil. We have had both very wet years and very dry years. It does not seem to matter.

  4. I discovered a paw-paw “patch” that popped up in my back yard last year. Obviously wild, there were some small fruits, but I didn’t try them, as the really didn’t look edible & I didn’t want to take a chance if I wasn’t sure (the flowers were very pretty, though!) Was looking forward to seeing them this year, but nothing! I live on the NC coast, so very sandy soil.

  5. I have them coming up in my garden from throwing the seeds out back hoping for a tree, love hunting for them , I have a great place here in Illinois that I go to get them every September when they are ripe

  6. im da man paw paw king,this fruit is part of our usa history,i live in mass. have meta comit ,12 years old x 2,2 kentucky 6 years i get perfect huge paw paw 1 flower can make up to 12 fruit,bugs dont mess with it ,acetagenie,spelling wrong,natrual bug poison

  7. Nash Nursery in Owosso has 23 different clones varieties as well as seedlings, fresh fruit and frozen pulp. I just picked up 5 different varieties and some fresh fruit. Gonna try growing the seeds from the fruit.

  8. The University of Missouri Extension division operates a 760 acre propagation farm, for the state citizens. They raise 10s of thousands of seedlings for sale. I believe anyone, in any state, can get in line and buy seedlings. All seedlings cost a few dollars or less. I believe paw paws are sometimes included in the annual sale. However the supplies are limited.

  9. We purchased 6 Paw Paw seedlings (15-inches tall) from Amazon 6 years ago. One of the seedlings died the first year and the other five are now between 5 and 10 feet tall. We have not seen any blossoms or fruit yet.

  10. I'm interested in growing these in the Pacific Northwest. We have a temperate maritime climate with only light frosts and very few hard freezes. We usually get a LOT of rain. Anyone know if these will grow in the Puget Sound area?

  11. There are many species of Paw Paws/ The rest besides this species are small plants with small fruits. They have a large root system and are hard to dig up and transplant.

  12. My grafted Trees from Grimo Nut Nursery are 18years old and have produced fruit on and off for the last 15 of them. This year and last, had a good set because I drive around collecting roadkill in buckets to place around the trees. They are pollinated by the corpse fly, attracted by the roadkill. I also have to supplemental pollination by hand with pollen from different trees and a paintbrush. We eat fresh and make fruit leather and bread with the fruit, otherwise you have a 4 day window between when they ripen and drop by themselves, to an over ripe state that may bee TOO fruity for some. THEN you make PawPaw liquor or beer. DO NOT! eat ANY part of a seed, even the smallest bit will make you expel out both ends violently for hours, with a throat on fire from the toxin. Serious stuff!!! look it up.

  13. One Green World nursery here in Portland, Oregon is the place to get paw paw trees. They just posted they had a restock of some varieties (Allegheny, Sunflower, Mango, Prolific, Maria’s Joy & Potomac). They sell 1 and 2 gallon sizes (and sometimes have up to 5 gallon) so you don't have to wait 15 years for fruit.

  14. I guess it was a good thing that I already grew my 18 paw paw seedlings from seed before I found out from you just how difficult they are to grow from seed or I might not have even tried. It isn't that hard put them in a pot in fall with a little water once a month and next spring you will have seedlings. They prefer to sprout while it is cold out.

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