March 23, 2025

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Tell When to Harvest Winter Squash

  1. I just harvested my spaghetti squash this last weekend because the plants were completely dead, same philosophy – if they're ready, great, otherwise the plant is dead anyways! If I understood correctly, I should just eat the ones that weren't quite ready first because they won't keep? Is that right?

  2. Thanks for this informative video. Question, how/what to do with the walnuts? The squirrels get them first they are green and some liquid oozed from it when I tried to open it. Thanks. Waving to you from just west of you

  3. Hi, My question is about planting Fall Crops. Which crops need a Hard Frost to taste better and Which Fall Crops will need a Frost Protection cover before Hard Frost?

  4. I have powdery mildew on my squash plants and I would like to save seeds for my nasturtium flowers and my cilantro, they are planted next to the infected plants. Do you think it would be safe to save seeds or should I just discard them? I do not want to carry powdery mildew to my forever home. Plus we’re moving states next month.

  5. I put in raised bed this year. Took all Summer and still not done, however, the first ones I planted as I built and filled. First one has some peas, radished and, apparently, a squash. Probanbly Kershaw-the seed got mixed in and planted by accident about two months ago. Been seeing lots of flowers but zero fruit. I have maybe 60 days before first frosts. Lost cause? I can pull and feed in some Fall/Winter hardy plants. Zone 8.

  6. Currently I have 21 spaghetti squash. 6 plants. 6 squash have been picked. One eaten (so good. Delicious). I have 15 on the vine all looking good. 4 more just pollinated days ago…..I have so many questions at this stage but my main one is ….
    why does my fresh pollinated squash look as if it is bubbling aloe out of 2 sides? Is this a symptom of pollinating new ones late in the season or insect?
    Also I harvested one squash a lil' early (vine issue if I remember) & has been in the sun for 4 weeks. Still has white spots..will this fully color or is she done?
    The one I ate I harvested after this odd one. It looked way more done in less time, however, the one I ate was the first pollinated just harvested after that one.

  7. We had a horrible summer and so many people produced very little. My cucumber and squash all got mildew fought it as best I could maybe produced six cucumbers all summer finally had to pull it. I'm also in zone 3 in Manitoba so you have very little growing time. Most of my female flowers for my spaghetti squash came out so late that I managed to grow five squash in all. One was eating badly by a squirrel the other is I just eventually pulled all the plants so I have 4 decent size squash but they are still green I was told to put them in the sun which is what I did with the first one and it did turn yellow. I accidentally cut the main stem. I also had them growing vertically and was told they shouldn't be hanging. Next year I will have an arch to have them growing on and yes technically they will still be vertical but I'll have to cover them with netting to protect them once they've been pollinated which I had to do all but 1 by hand.
    So so many squash never got pollinated it was heartbreaking and I hope it's better next year..
    I grew everything from seed which I'm pretty proud of but it was simply too hot and dry over here

  8. One more method is to check the stem leading to the fruit – if it’s as hard as wood and non-dentable with the fingernail it is ready to take off.

  9. I live in the Caribbean and this squash grew by itself in my driveway is was always white and still is even though it is 22 ins long I did the nail test a d my nail puncture the skin 4ins from the stem

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