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funny we're five weeks here on our new place. one greenstalk growing cause not having a garden was driving me CRAZY. SO… I too bought more house plants to add to the four I brought along. will plant second greenstalk WHEN I FIND MY SEEDS!!!! BOY do I feel INSECURE not knowing where my seeds are!!! So many boxes to open still?
Great video Vlog
Jess you look great.
Question for you Jess / other hot climate gardeners! I also live in a very hot and sunny place – I love these metal beds, but am worried about overheating the soil. Did you consider insulating these at all or is that not necessary? Thanks!
Jess, a lot of people are going to be fearful of metal raised beds, because they think it will make the soil will be too hot. Suggestion, use a thermometer and test the temp in all the different raised beds you have compared to the in ground beds. Then they can see there's only a couple of degrees difference.
Jess, I have not seen your last 4 blogs. I always watch you. I'm trying to catch up. Sorry!!! But on September 16th my youngest son had a had a horrific wreck. He lost his right eye. Had a brain bleed. Broke every bone in his face. Was on life support for days. Lord have Mercy!!! I keep claiming a miracle everyday!!! His face was torn from his face. He has a trachea. He has a feeding tube. They have so many surgeries left. Please pray for my son!!! He has a trachea. He has a feeding tube. If you want to see a pick,let,me know
The new dog sure did win the lottery wandering into your lives.
very expensive
Hey Jess ! Keep up the great videos from another veteran grower!
I'm enjoying watching you from the beginning of how you are starting your garden. I am learning so much that I wish I had known when we first began our gardens years ago! I also want to know what mulch you use on the gardens and when to cover them. Like as soon as the seeds are planted or once they sprout? What kind of fertilizer do you use in your Green Stalk? (I just planted mine and LOVE it!!!! God Bless you and yours!! You are blessing me and so many others!! Thank you for being you!!!
lets get to doing some gardening….
Completely agree that if we all had small scale gardening in our backyard, it would change the world
Question! With the metal beds, since they get so hot in the summer, does that impact soil temperatures? Or dryness? That may be a dumb question but I live in West Texas and it gets HOT, so I was wondering about the metal being a problem. Or if the plant leaves start to hang over, possible scalding because of the heat of the beds?
Very inspirational! I've been watching your channel on and off for a little while and I've found that your videos on small, inexpensive gardening styles are most relevant for me. Looking forward to watching more about how you use this smaller growing space. Thanks!
Epic gardener Kevin Espiritu also sells the metal garden beds (Birdies).
I have a 25ft garden and grow lots of summer vegetables and fruit in amongst the flowers, I usually have enough to make lots of chutney and love it x
Tysm for sharing
I started watching your channel in 2019 after I lost my eyesight to diabetes. I could barely see you but I listened and then covid happened and I planted a very small garden with my husbands help getting the seeds started for me because I couldn’t see them. I watered, weeded and spent my mornings outside with coffee and my dogs. On new year’s day in 2020 we lost our oldest dog Bruno to old age. He loved spending time outside and I always think how much he would’ve loved the garden. You brought hope to me that I could grow my own food so much so that my husband added more raised beds than I thought could fit in our small space, expanding it 3 times, adding chickens and rabbits to the mix. Our dream is still in our hearts to move away from city life and homestead eventually…. Hopefully it’s not to late to start fresh ( we are 50 after all ) . Thank you for being such an inspiration
You need to if you could mention some places in Ontario Canada where we could check out stuff that you bought and gave it a great review but I’m in Niagara Falls Ontario Canada so it would be nice if you could mention some stuff that is in the United States and also in the Niagara Region area. That would be great if you could mention stuff for your Canadian Viewers also would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
You can get an 8'x12' sheet of corrugated metal at Home Depot for $19.95 that company want almost $300 for that raised bed. I find their prices outrageously high.
Hello! You had something about getting soil in a larger quantity and I was wondering if you might be able to recommend some place in the Cabot or surrounding areas? Thank you so much for your time. Have a great week.
If you really think about it you are right… gardening can save the world. Not only would it cure diseases like obesity and type 2 diabetes, but it could also eliminate starvation. I tell my children on a regular bases that this is a necessary skill to survival. If the stores run out of food they will have the smarts to grow their own
I recently found your channel and I LOVE it! Love your content and personality. I'm currently doing raised beds almost identical to these. Someone told me they check out the free mulch at our municipal and it was nasty. Not really sure what she meant by that, but I told her I didn't need it to be pretty because it for for the bottom of the beds. Even still, she and several others told me they would be afraid to grow organic foods in a bed that contained it. I was looking at buying some because I only need about 11 bags. Would cypress be good or does that last too long? I do want it to become good soil late on but I had never heard of mulching the bottom of the bed before, and after hearing what you said, I think I definitely should because we live in zone 7b in Georgia and our summers are HOT. I don't want to spend a zillion dollars watering.
That brings me to my next question, what have you found is the best watering system for you? I was thinking about doing some simple drip irrigation and getting a couple IBC totes to collect rain water through our gutter system.
I just understood what you said about turning your waiting room into a learning room. I specially needed to hear that. Thanks so much bit of wisdom. Just do what you can do when you can.
Where did you get your Kangaroo Pocket Apron from ? Thanks
Why did you all move?
Is there a "Halfway to overflowing" sticker yet?! I need that in my life please!
I believe gardening can change the world too. This small garden format will encourage a lot of new people to start.