March 2, 2025

VIDEO: First Fall Garden Tour | September 2021

#AcreHomestead #GardenTour #FallGarden #Garden2021

Instagram @Acre Homestead

It’s been an amazing growing season so far and I am excited to show you my first fall garden tour!! My garden has become overgrown and beautiful but I have to keep reminding myself that overgrown is ok!

You can find my recipes on —

This is where I buy my bulk organic food!

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer –

Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

Some of my favorite kitchen essentials!
9 Tray Excalibur Dehydrator —
Food Processor –
X-Large Stainless Steel Bowl —
Korean Red Pepper Flakes —
Instant Pot —
Pink Himalayan Salt —
Spice Jars —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Glass Snap Wear food containers —
American Test Kitchen Cooking School —
Large Food Storage Containers —

Canning Supplies I Used:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Presto Pressure Canner —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —
Pink Himalayan Salt —

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: First Fall Garden Tour | September 2021

  1. that Dr. Witchy huge tomato is because of fused blossoms. It is actually two tomatoes that grew together because their blossoms were fused. Just an FYI. If you don't want fused tomatoes, you would need to watch your blooms and remove those that are fused.

  2. You've done a fabulous job and I'm glad you give yourself some grace! Nice work!
    I have seen some homesteaders harvest and freeze their excess produce in big bags so they can pull it out and can it after the bulk of harvest is over. I had never thought of that myself, so thought I'd pass it on to you. Keep up the good work! I enjoy your channel very much!!

  3. I love your videos. I just recently cleaned up my basil bush. It was so huge and beautiful and it attracted lots of bees.❤️ But I cut off most of the branches and left just two to grow.

  4. I just recently found your channel and I enjoy watching your content! You have a good learning attitude 🙂

    I keep a calendar of when I start seeds, when they should be transplanted, and days until harvest, and when seeds/ plants for a fall garden should be started. This helps me with planning and not losing focus on the garden side of things when I’m busy with the preserving and other duties of homestead life 🙂

    Keep up your good work and thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh dear, You seem so stressed out. Your chickens can work for you before planting and after harvesting. Please watch Justin Rhodes, also Roots and Refuge on YouTube. I think you may need to organize your beds based on harvest time. After harvest let your chickens peck through the area. You may need a small amount of moveable fencing. The chickens can keep your pests down AND build the soil. But you don't want to give them free rein to destroy what you haven't harvested. If you have too much to harvest and process yourself, consider partnering with another local homestead or your neighbors. Let them pick and take it, making sure they know what is OK to take and what is not. Homesteaders are all about community. You could trade some of the harvest for some of the work or advice. You really can't do it all yourself. Or just plant a smaller garden next year. If you don't have time to walk your garden daily, it's too big. Composting in place is not a good idea if there are pests and disease. Your garden should be a pleasant place, a haven, refuge, sanctuary. Breathe…..

  6. On your Brussels sprouts strip your stalk down completely naked from all the leaves. (This broke my heart when I did mine but then I was amazed) Cover with a bucket for 2 weeks and then surprise you will have tons of Brussels sprouts! Learned this from an old time gardener friend.

  7. well because I do a hoop house on the top of my raised beds garden I get plant early and harvest late I do harvest in 2 time a year then I don't have do it all at once

  8. Hi Becky! I LOVE your videos!! I am also in my second year gardening-zone 6b. Please give yourself some grace because you are ROCKING it girl! You've given me SO much motivation and have eased my mind with learning how to cook, meal prep, and canning. I've only started with fermenting so far, but I will get there! Keep it up motivator 😀 PS I'm excited to start with Azure as there is a local drop in my very small town. The organization will be on the horizon for me as I hate running out of things and prefer to be prepared

  9. Haha… I wish I had your climat and the garden… You dont have time its meens that you have a big production in the garden… You have your girls to engoy the rest of it… Juist be happy you have it al

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