June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Starting a Farm to Grow and Sell Seeds!

We’re back with my friend Brijette of San Diego Seed Company – she’s got some huge news: a new plot of land in northern San Diego County where she’ll be growing out thousands of pounds of seed for her customers. I headed up there to check it out and see how the project is getting off the ground

1:12 Brijette’s Background
3:30 Prepping New Land
6:46 Melon Patch
10:27 Okra Patch
13:26 Future Plans


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→ Support Brijette: https://www.sandiegoseedcompany.com/


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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Starting a Farm to Grow and Sell Seeds!

  1. help!!! I've had this tomato plant that was given to me a couple months ago, and finally it grew 5 tomatoes in a pot, I've started seeing the leaves on the lower part of the plant turn yellow and started to die I don't know if it is a deficiency in any chemicals, and I've been watering it the same as always and it is thriving-do you know what is wrong with it???

  2. 10:43 I'm getting around Okra too, Kevin! In northern Brazil they use it to make Carurú, this sort of babaganoush thing that is just incredible. It's a traditional filling on Acarajé, a sort of shrimp dumpling.

  3. Kevin – Tell her to Farm Orach (fire spinach). 4oz (for microgreens) ran me $40, they are like weed expensive.

    Picked up some of her seeds last season (golden nugget tomatoes), everyone of them sprouted. I was giving away starters to friends cause i didn't have room. Easily 50 tomatoes per plant too.

    As a micro green farmer who uses hundreds of seeds per tray, I'm now more l amazed I can get 25lb bags of 90% germ seed for so cheap.

  4. Thanks for sharing this amazing video! Several years ago, I grew Russell Hybrid Lupins, Lavatera, Calendula and Dutch Poppy solely for the purpose of starting a hobby business. I also created the seed packets for each individual product, a style I haven't seen before or since. I can appreciate the work involved. All the best and wish you success!

  5. Actually I have a space of 60 meters which i think at least would take 40 tomato plants and I am looking forward to make a small seed garden for unpopular and un local tomatoes varieties in Egypt that we import these varieties like the yellow tomatoes and so on and the seeds packs are expensive
    So I thought that these varieties work well in egypt why I don't produce like 3 varieties of those to my local town with reasonable prices

  6. Just started ordering from San Diego Seed Co. I love that she concentrates on the same So. CA zones that I live in! God bless, Brijette,
    I hope your expansion goes well.

  7. I saw on the roots and refuge channel a few weeks ago they used a flame thrower to kill weeds. Maybe fun to try lol just keep the water handy in Ramona. Temecula here. Best of luck!

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