June 11, 2024

11 thoughts on “VIDEO: I TRIED TO GROW A LOOFAH (LUFFA) IN THE UK #gardening #gardeninguk

  1. Like you Adam, I like to try something different but it usually fails on me. This year your sis and I are trying Xmas spuds. At the moment they are looking fine so we are hoping for the best. See you soon.

  2. Last year was my first year trying to grow luffa and my results were similar to yours Adam. I tried again this year with 3 plants per arch in 2 different areas of my garden. They grew slowly at first but by late-July they had covered half the arches with leafy vines and flowers. At the moment there are 6 monster and 4 medium sized luffas to be harvested. Wishing you similar success for next year!

  3. Hi Adam, An interesting experiment but I don't think the climate here will ever mean success with outdoor planting. Never tried growing loofahs myself, but my old gardening books describe them as stove annuals needing a minimum temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Still, with a long hot summer who knows!

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