May 19, 2024

VIDEO: Freeze Drying Eggs Step by Step with Taste Test

Instagram @Acre Homestead

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer –

Want to build your food security?? Investing in a freezer dryer is a great addition to your food preservation arsenal. I was a little intimidated by it at first but now I can’t wait to dive in and freeze-dry everything! In this video, we freeze-dried eggs and peppers!

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Favorite Cook Book!!
American Test Kitchen Cooking School —

This is where I buy my organic bulk food storage in bulk!

Canning Supplies I Used:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Presto Pressure Canner —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —
Pink Himalayan Salt —

Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!

#AcreHomestead #WaterBathCanning #FoodPreservation #FoodStorage #freezedryer

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Freeze Drying Eggs Step by Step with Taste Test

  1. You should try freeze dried berries/fruit, it's a perfect snack! Also crushed freeze dried raspberries or strawberries make a very good topping for hot chocolate, any type of coffee with milk or cream, and basically any sweet dairy product, and of course cakes. God I love freeze dried raspberries, they give such an amazing sour aromatic fruity kick! I live in a big city so I just buy it already freeze dried, but that costs a ridiculous amount of money, I wish someone in my family had access to a home-grade freeze drier.

  2. I think u have to stop feeding egg shells to chicken for them to stop eating their own eggs. Feed the oyster shells. God bless u and family. Remember Jesus loves us all

  3. Does the Freeze Dryer require a special outlet? You've done some amazing things with your harvest this year, especially since you are still learning, it gives me hope that we can do more now that we own our own home

  4. Hi Becky (That is my best friend's name also! 😉 ) I've been watching you videos and when I saw this one I got excited about freeze drying!! Right now I freeze everything and am running out of space. Veggies get icy and just aren't what I want them to be.
    After seeing you and your harvest right freeze dryer, my brain has been spinning with all I could do with one. No more veggies in the freezer!!! Plus all the other things I could do. Love the egg idea!!
    I'm definitely going to do some research and see what will fit my needs and get some info on how and what to freeze dry.

    I really enjoy watching you cook! It's fun and informative.

    I grew up on a farm and miss having the ability to plant my own garden and have livestock. I'm hoping to have that again someday. Nothing beats home grown anything.

    Keep up the great work and I look forward to future vids and blogs.

  5. What about freeze drying boiled eggs ..would that work? Also maybe you try separating the egg whites and yolks before drying …then mix proportionately when cooking get that desired effect you guys talked abt

  6. her husband is litereally like those characters in cartoons that only get a face reviel once but it looks weird when you actually see them. Its just like no, you are the faceless figure that walks around and sometimes talks. Like any humans on tom and jerry, or the mayors secretary on power puff girls. :):):)

  7. You are amazing Becky. I don't have a freeze dryer, nor the budget for one, but I plan to do more dehydrating in the future. I'd love to see you mix and match your freeze-dried foods to make meals, like soups and stews and casseroles. Thanks for all you do, with love from BanDana Gramma

  8. Hi Becky! I was wondering if you founf that your electricity bill has gone up with using the freeze dryer snd the dehydrator? You are awesome by the way!

  9. great video ! I would recommend with all you freeze dry to add an oxygen absorber to the jar as well as vacuum seal the jars. this will allow your food to stay safely freeze dried without any moisture /humidity getting in the jars, otherwise they tend to spoil after a while. I just got done freeze drying some tuna – doing onions next!!

  10. Wow I'm also new to this to. And I love your videos and what a helpful for me. Thank you. And I'm learning a lot from you. My mother didn't cook and what I learned was from my grandmother and only a month every summer. Again thank you.

  11. I'm from the Caribbean and I came across your videos yesterday. Wow…….I love your videos, you make it look so easy and effortless.
    I was telling my mom about freeze drying the eggs and her concern was contracting salmonella. How should I address her?

  12. Not sure you know this or not as I'm watching your videos right now (as I mentioned earlier this evening) but you can rinse those egg shells and crush them up (or bake them first and then) crush them up to save for a calcium boost for your garden beds later 🙂

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