March 3, 2025

VIDEO: A WEAK Spouse in HARD Times

So many are asking what to do in this scenario.
Here is what I think!
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: A WEAK Spouse in HARD Times

  1. The main problem of our country we have lived in the land of plenty. NOW there is a great change, everything going up in price, shortage on so many things and it’s only going to get worse. So yes stock up on things that can keep you going. Stock up on things that will keep. Just pray to our Good Lord this will soon be over,but it just doesn’t look like it will be. I just pray that our God in His good graces will lead this country back to good leadership.

  2. Being a man, I agree with most of what you said. However, before you peg your man as weak, make sure it isnt you thats wearing him down.

  3. My wife doesn't understand my buying meat in bulk and putting it in vacuum bags. It's 3/4 filled now. Had to sneak it in. She gripes about freezer burn and it doesn't taste like fresh. She's eaten two year old meat unknowingly, and it's good if it's seasoned well. I'd buy canned goods, but the local brand had black juice coming out of cream of corn. The corn was long from expiration date. Don't have faith in canned goods.

  4. First off you are very cute, I'd do anything you want or need. My wife is still living in LaLa land. I have been prepping for awhile. I believe the Holy Spirt has given me wisdom to know and do to prepare for the future!

  5. Men are not here to save us ladies. We are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves and our families. If your spouse doesn't see it the way you do, you're going to have to do it on your own. My bf is more in to home defense, I am making sure we'll be OK food/home wise. Luckily we do see eye to eye, but we've split the responsibilities. We each do out part for our family, just for different reasons.

  6. Just my opinion: We are headed towards a collapse and preparing is past due. Toy type Christmas gifts should not be where your money is going. Buy items that would help in a survival situation, a water bottle filter, camp stove, a garden kit…..rethink how you're spending your money in ways that will help prepare.

  7. Men aren’t weak… Most men have left women to their own devices. As a man, I do not care about any woman or what they may face during this depression. I don’t care if they are harmed in anyway because women have stopped being women and bought into the globalist propaganda. Women do not understand that there are men who will be in this country who do not have your best interest and they don’t care about the law.

  8. I understand what you're talking about. I was born in the 50's and have been watched the feminisation of men and it breaks my heart. For me it was work to get my wife on board but she did come around and we work on it together now. Out Country is in a bad place and only God can make things right, no man or woman can fix a spiritual problem.

  9. Easiest thing to show people go on a date night to the grocery store I know sounds dumb but show the price and explain ok here is 3 meals with what is in the cart and show how much it cost before. Money talks and bs walks

  10. Your advice I think is characteristic of a strong, balanced & reasonable woman. I agree, there is a pandemic of weak men. It is a serious & growing problem. But I think it goes hand in hand with another problem.

    Weak & I guess not truly awake women. We can say that the leader, whether it is the leader or head of the family or the leader of a nation is the more crucial end. Not to diminish, but I believe that it is more about balance.

    Little good is a leader to those that are not awake & balanced followers. It also takes strength to follow in balance. I think both men & women come to both rolls in different aspects. I think a good leader also need to understand in balance what it is to follow & vice versa.

    Leadership & following I thing is something too little discussed today.

    I can only imagine that your relationship with your husband is that. In my life I can't say I have witness that many examples of that kind of balance, not in men, women or couples. On observation I suspect it is extremely rare.

    I am a 50 year old man & I have never known a woman personally that embodied that kind of strength, "awake-ness" & balance. I trust that it does exist but I don't think I have ever enjoyed its company, on observation of what I see going on in the world, I fear that I may not ever.

    I have become somewhat less socialized, present to the fact of such observations.

    I do not know much about relationships, I have never been in a balanced one. You touched on, that in relationship, or any kind of relationship, all parties need to be unified & focused on common goals. It can not be overstated how important this is.

    To be in a relationship where the focus & vision on common goals (especially the important ones) are not aliened, is extremely hard & highly prone to failure.

    I think if you have found yourself in such a relationship it is a result of perhaps not the best discernment in choosing a life partner. Given that handicap I can't imagine what small percentage such relationships have of surviving & being sustainable long term.

    If you have a relationship that is of that seemingly uncommon balance then you should be reminded (especially in these times!) just how rare such a relationship truly is. All the more reason that you should do all you can to nurture & protect it.

    I for one am jealous & in awe of such people.

    I think you spoke with clear & firm temperament. You seemed to me that you were anxious about do the the message justice. A mark of someone that does care & is not casual on important things. I think most that are awake will see that.

  11. I am a man. from everything i have seen and been through. part of the problem is this "society" and "culture" makes men weak/not care and builds up women… most of the time.

    i am single and i have a daughter living with her abusive mum. this world DOES NOT CARE ABOUT MEN AT ALL… no matter what we do or say nobody cares still.

  12. Okay, Hmmm, Here Goes, Hmmm,mmm As a Man, In My Opinion, Hmmm, Ummm, You Are ABSOLUTELY, Ummm, 100% Ahem, Right, Correct and On The Money! There Are Way Too Many Chickenshit Men in OUR Country and Homes That, Don't have a Clue about what is Going on in Their Own Relationships, Home Life and Political Aspects of Running and Or Helping at Home. To Secure their Relationships, and Watch Out for Their Family In All Ways, from Finances, Repairs and Some Important things like What is going on in Our Country, just in case Somebody Needs to Protect Us from The Gorernment. You Speak Well, and Yes A Spade is A Spade, Call It As You See It… Thanks. Gary from Ga.

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