March 20, 2025

VIDEO: Apple Pie, Salsa Verde, Marinara Sauce and So Much More!

Instagram @Acre Homestead

Freeze Dryer –

Tomatillo Salsa Verde Recipe –
Apple Pie Recipe –

This is the link from NCHFP that states that you can substitute lemon juice for vinegar.,has%20less%20effect%20on%20flavor.&text=If%20you%20wish%2C%20you%20may,substitute%20vinegar%20for%20lemon%20juice.

This is where I buy my organic bulk food storage in bulk!

Whole Nut Meg –

Food Preservation Supplies:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Food Dehydrator –
Steam Juicer –
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Presto Pressure Canner —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —

Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!

#AcreHomestead #WaterBathCanning #FoodPreservation #FoodStorage #freezedryer

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Apple Pie, Salsa Verde, Marinara Sauce and So Much More!

  1. Hi Becky, and others. Love the videos. I'm thunking about getting a juicer, since seeing it in one of your earlier videos. Was it worth the price? Are you juat using it for apples? Would it work well for juicing pineapple peels/cores for juice? What about making grape juice for jelly? Would appreciate anyone's feedback

  2. WOW Becky this was fun! I actually watched it twice because last time I watched from my phone and for some reason or another I wasn't able to comment or like it. You are a joy to watch and listen to. You teach and your awesome at this homestead stuff. Thanks

  3. @dnmichelle I do this at home as well. Because you can never predict who might be stopping by. Whether they want to taste what we’re cooking or if we’re sitting down for a meal we know there has been no double dipping.

  4. I use a stool what I'm using my steam juicer as well but I also put a marble in the bottom of the juicer where the water is so that if it starts getting low or running out of water the marble will start to bounce and then I know and I can check.

  5. I've been processing apples myself and I have learned from past experience that I sort the apples and the pristine ones go into my second fridge and can last a little bit and I have to process sooner rather than later the ones that have bug bites or blemishes. Don't beat yourself up about it. I think we have ALL had to learn that lesson. I am just in awe how much you do get done, so kudos to you! You're doing great 😀

  6. Kool, nice to know you got to injoy Jamaica. Nutmeg is a very nice spice. You can try our allspice too which you may know as pimento berries. The leaves are good too, they are used to make tea to reduce the chill in cold weather, the berries can be used too.
    A little history the German army actually imported pimento from Jamaica to use in their shoes to ward off cold when they were fighting in the war.

  7. I have meatless Mondays, (usually a pasta) Mexican Thursdays and fish Fridays. In between we have a pizza night (Saturdays) a ground beef night (varies seasonally between meatloaf, cheeseburgers, cottage pie, etc) and usually a chicken night which could be Asian, pot pie, grilled, salads, soup or a sheet pan dinner.

    Nothing is written in stone but it makes an easy framework that ensures we have a good variety of proteins and cuisines in our diet. Cooking ahead and pre-portioning in freezer bags means I cook once and eat many times with just two of us. Ordering groceries online means I have to try to get to the minimum $ amount for pickup!

  8. I also use the juice extractor and I used a food mill to separate the peels and seeds once the juice is extracted. It makes wonderful applesauce and saves lots of time. I love your channel.

  9. Enjoy seeing you work with your family, Cooking comes so natural. Are you concerned about all the weight that is put on your glass top stove?. ie hot bathe and juicer

  10. Hey Becky – have you looked into a steam canner? It seems that it would be such a time saver over a traditional water bath I’ve been considering getting one and you have such nice equipment and wondered if you had an opinion or have heard much about them. Thanks Pixie

  11. Bummer about the apples. Only so much you can do especially with a full-time job. Good thing you have the chickens to help you out – they will love the bugs 🙂 Before my apple tree died so much that it doesn't fruit anymore we had the same problem. Bugs and rust – some of it to do with the variety as it wasn't as bug resistant (older variety of apple).

  12. Hey if you turn it into chicken feed they will not be wasted, they will be eggs. You saved $$ on chicken feed. Added different vitamins & minerals to their diet as well.

  13. I always open a drawer next to the oven just enough to hold a gallon jar and drain it into said jar. I have little's and don't want them about to tip the jar at all, and I don't want something else for them to climb on.

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