March 6, 2025

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Cleaning Garlic for Winter Storage!

  1. To preserve the garlic during winter, we don't cut it or remove the roots or the husks. We just remove any soil by shaking it, than, we braid it in a ginormous braid. Than we hang it in the house and use it during winter. We just snip as many heads of garlic as we need.

  2. This isn’t a criticism of you but I don’t get the whole super short type clips whether they be YouTube shorts or Tik Tocs or whatever. They don’t convey much actual information. For instance, it doesn’t explain why you are cutting up the garlic. Is this hard or soft neck, why are you trimming instead of braiding, etc. hopefully you will continue with the longer informative ones because the short ones aren’t teaching and they also don’t convey your high energy, bubbly and expressive personality that so many of us love.

  3. I give you big credit for your garlic harvest. Two years in a row the squirrels ate all mine up. This year built a raised bed to grow it in, had it all planted in pretty little rows and it was doing EXCELLENT. Today went to go cover with some straw and guess what them little tree rats ATE EVERY SINGLE BULB ALL 100 OF THEM. I'm done trying, I'll just watch you.

  4. Holy moly… you need help lol! I wish I had a friend who was into gardening so we could geek out together. No one gets me when I talk about seed catalogs, birthday germination and harvesting. I think that's why I'm so drawn to watching YouTubers in their garden haha Just a casual conversation with a friend.

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