March 1, 2025

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting 576 heads of garlic for 2022 garden season!

  1. I have been watching your videos for about a month now and finally subscribed. You are such an inspiration with all that you get accomplished! I just love your energy!

  2. Did you buy seed garlic or did you save your '21 harvest to use for '22?I bought new garlic to plant because my '21 heads were so small and many of them didn't even make cloves.

  3. I have watched all your videos and you truly inspired me. I have 30 acres in zone 3 in alberta Canada and have always said I lack in the green thumb department but you have shown me that I am not a complete failure. I planted 86 cloves of garlic for the first time this fall and can't wait to see what happens. Thank you so much for posting these amazing videos.

  4. I would love to do this but I live in an apt. I can put some containers outside but can't plant in the ground. Would this work in planters? I'm in Texas btw.

  5. 576 heads? Yikes! This was the first year I planted garlic! To harvest spring of 2022! I planted ONE pound of garlic! Expecting 60 heads. Mind you…that’s on the low side of our yearly consumption…likely 240 heads is more accurate. I wanted to make sure I succeed with the 60 first. Next year I’ll do better. Now I know a pound of garlic gives me roughly 60 usable cloves. I might have another 15 that didn’t separate well and it peeled too much. I think you should experiment with making toum! It’s a garlic paste! Mayo consistency…it’s just garlic…salt…oil…and lemon juice! It is delicious! That’s where most of my garlic goes!

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