March 28, 2025

VIDEO: The Most Amazing Gardening Hack for Winter Abundance

I am so excited to share something with you that I have just discovered and will become a huge part of my autumn and winter gardening strategy and I felt that I had to share as soon as possible so you too can give this a vegetable gardening hack a go. I can see this changing the way I approach gardening in the second half of the season, and is an idea I will continue to explore and experiment with for years to come. A huge thanks to Yen from for sharing this incredible vegetable gardening hack for the fall and winter garden!

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#fallgarden #gardeningtips #vegetablegardening

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Most Amazing Gardening Hack for Winter Abundance

  1. I just set up a small greenhouse here in Canada in October. Not knowing much, I decided to transplant some lettuce and Swiss chard from my outer garden and moved them inside to my greenhouse raised bed, some growth has begun. I will share this with my Canadian greenhouse growers. Please do more winter gardening videos.

  2. That is fascinating! We may have a smaller area where we could put up a poly tunnel. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this ingenious concept for extending the growing period. Judi

  3. Just in time, I will be transplanting into my low tunnels next week after this info. Just harvested 200 liters of part decomposed seaweed from the seaside to add to soil and the compost bins
    A great idea, its the opposite of the spring process.

  4. Hi there. Do you happen to know the dimensions of the structure she is planting in? Is it one layer or more of plastic, and what kind/thickness, etc? What are the dimensions of her planter boxes and between rows? Do these hold up well under windy conditions? Any suggestions from anyone on where to buy materials for this in the USA? THANK YOU!

  5. will those plants seat in the polytunnel for good or will she transplant them again when the season progress? (I don't own a polytunnel anyway but only a mirco 16 m² seasonal vegetable garden)

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