March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Building a Chicken Orchard! šŸ”šŸŒ³

Join Jacques and I as we build a protective and productive orchard in the outdoor run for Jacquesā€™ chickens! This experiment should protect his hens from birds of prey while throwing a ton of fruit out over the next few years!

00:00 ā€“ Intro
00:58 ā€“ Introducing The Cast
01:34 ā€“ The Setup
04:37 ā€“ Building The Tree Surrounds
07:50 ā€“ Planting A Lemon Tree
12:28 ā€“ Chicken Proofing The Orchard
13:30 ā€“ Mulching
15:15 ā€“ Root Bound Problem
16:33 ā€“ Outro


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22 thoughts on ā€œVIDEO: Building a Chicken Orchard! šŸ”šŸŒ³ā€

  1. Wow, loved watching this all come together. Looks fantastic! Thoseā€™ll be some happy chooks!

    Side note: the editing on this video and Kevin messing around was just hilarious!

  2. Inverted milk crates work well for protecting areas you are growing out for the chickens. The plants still get plenty of light, but the crates are heavy enough to keep the chickens from toppling them over. You can remove one or two crates at a time, or even just remove it for a few hours, then put it back to let the plants regrow.

  3. Omg that little chicken waddling out and looking up for food reminds me of my Hens! I love chickens so much. Also do be careful, chicken droppings contain ammonia, which can kill/burn crops. It needs to be aged to be good for fertilizer. Iā€™m sure you already know that, but in case anyone wanted to try this and didnā€™t know

  4. It looks good but that wire is not going to stop the chickens from jumping in there trying to scratch and is going to damage the chickens' feet. My chickens roam free in my food forest and I have put the same kind of chicken wire around my trees, but I surround the trees with the wire 4 feet up like a fence so the chickens won't go near the roots.

  5. My grandma never used a coop, her hens always lived free on the yard and went to sleep on a tree next to the house
    One memory is to listen the rooster very close to home, singing and waking us up so early in the morning because of that

  6. You should bend the wire around the tree like a mini fence and tuck the bottom edge into thr planter. That would protect the bark and branches they will destroy almost any plant over time . I use flashing around the bottom, fence wire, then sometimes tulle attached to the fence wire if i want to keep out rats and bugs too

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