June 9, 2024

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing the same pepper next year!

  1. Would this work on other nightshades like tomato’s and eggplants? I am growing a variety of tomato that has the same name as my daughter, and would love to be able to grow them again next year.

  2. How mild of a climate do you need to keep outdoors? And do you continue watering it throughout the winter if you do keep it outside? I’m up in Nor Cal and we get maybe a couple light frosts, but nighttime temps usually aren’t below 36° in the winter.

  3. Great tip. A couple of years ago I did something with my green peppers. They grew but no fruit. I cut them back and the next year I had a bumper crop of green peppers and they started a lot earlier than I expected… yep, in the 92120 area of San Diego, everything grows here.

  4. How long do pepper plants typically live? I get a good harvest out of it but mine die after a year or so. Regarless of whether its in the ground or in a container. I live in zone 10b.

  5. I tried this last winter…but still no peppers, the leaves look odd too. Longer narrower…the other peppers are fine..its just the ones I tried to save. Ideas? What's wrong?!

  6. I love the idea of overwintering indoors, without a greenhouse; I already migrate my blooming tropical collection to the indoors, so adding 4 potted pepper plants was no chore. Only the Habanero died, but the Hot Portugal, Flaming Flare, and Bayonet (sweet) survived. But on my Zone 6b deck, the yields were frankly no better than the pepper plants that I bought this spring. But I think gardeners should still try this one year, since results may vary from zone to zone, and may vary with your winter location whether home or greenhouse.

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