March 22, 2025

VIDEO: How to Make the BEST Worcestershire (Woozy) Sauce | Recipe | Without Anchovies

In this video, I show you my recipe on how to make the best Worcestershire sauce from homegrown plums! This sauce does not contain fish such as anchovies but it still tastes similar to traditional Worcestershire sauces – in my opinion 😉

Here is the written recipe:

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂 #sauce #homestead #gardening

*Disclaimer: Some links to products in this description and comments sections are affiliated, meaning, I receive a small commission if you follow these links and then purchase an item. I will always declare in a video if the video is sponsored and as of October 2021 I am yet to do a sponsored video.

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Make the BEST Worcestershire (Woozy) Sauce | Recipe | Without Anchovies

  1. You!!!! My sexy garden man!! I'm trying to do my own nursery and grow by fruit and veg but I'm in Qld 150kms north of Bundaberg. How much of your theory's will work in UK area?

  2. Mark, is this sauce something that needs to be processed with heat or pressure to preserve it? Thanks for the recipe and I look forward to trying woozie on my steaks in 2022. Happy New Year!

  3. hey Mark, inspired by you im gonna build a big raised garden in my allotment plot this spring 🙂 gonna be about 10-11 square meters of soil to plant stuff in. Once done i will post a video of it 🙂

  4. We have a giant old black plum tree, 20 feet tall and over 30 ft wide that was here on our property when we purchased it. Unfortunately due to late freezing weather we have only had 2 harvests in 5 years. Yesterday I started a batch of wine with 33 pounds of pitted plums, which had been in the freezer stored in vacuum seal bags. Here is to a bountiful harvest in 2022!

  5. I am a learner, trying not to make mistakes but still make so many. I have been growing things in pots but wanting to make a change to raised bed gardens. I am just worried about all this rain impacting Queensland, this relentless rain does seem to be having an impact on some things I am trying to grow. Is it just me making mistakes? How does all this rain impact what we grow? Do I just continue to use pots for now? or do I continue working on trying to do these raised bed gardens? I am very unsure of what to do at the moment.

  6. Hey Mark, I'm a subscriber from Canada. I love your tips & advice. Your videos on raised beds have been great, and I find mice can't climb up metal walls vs. wood, so another added bonus of corrugated metal. Regarding this video, traditional worcestershire is made with fish product; you don't have anchoivies in your sauce, or did you intend this recipe to be vegan? Cheers.

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