June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Happy New Year!!

I have been away from YouTube for a long time finishing up my Ed.S. degree. I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year and show what is growing in our fall/winter garden! We are experiencing extraordinarily warm temperatures for this time of year here, and it is supposed to drop down below freezing in the next couple of days. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the garden survives it! Thanks!!

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Happy New Year!!

  1. Report: Facebook Censors Thomas Paine Quote as ‘False Information’ in a online FB communism book burning
    In the future I would not put it past Facebook to try and harm you and your family.

  2. I am so thrilled to see y'all again! Happy to know y'all are ok and you were away because of school! I too, finished out my career as a reading specialist! The strawberries you sent us did great for a while, but then something got into the raised bed and destroyed them all. So, the bed is now being used for sweet potatoes. Your garden looks great! Thank you so much for the update. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year. Linda

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