March 28, 2025

VIDEO: What We Eat In a Week | Pantry Challenge Week One

#AcreHomestead #WhatWeEatInAWeek #PantryChallenge #ThreeRiversChallenge

What is the Pantry Challenge, LIVE Chat with Me –
Three Rivers Homestead –

Butcher Box
If you shop through my Butcher Box link you will receive 2 lbs ground beef, 3 lbs chicken thighs, and a 3lb pork butt for FREE in your first box —

Redmond Real Salt | Use the code ACRE for 15% off

Products Mentioned:
Nespresso Coffee Making –
Electric Pepper Grinder –
Finex cast iron –

Video Mentioned:
Freeze Dried Broth –

Recipes –
Almond Flour Banana Bread –
Season Salt –
No-Knead Bread –
Baked Oat Meal (I use this recipe as a base and adjust with what I have one hand) –

Azure Standard
This is where I buy my bulk organic food!

30 Day Free Audible Membership with 2 Free Books –

Favorite Cooking Equipment Here!
Microplane –
Rubber Spatulas –
OXO Cookie Scoops –
OXO Whisk –
OXO Good Grip Cutting Board –
Zwilling J.A. Henckel 5 inch Chef’s Knife –
Zwilling J.A. Henckel Chef’s Set Knife –
Kitchen Shears –
Boos Oils –
Boos Cutting Board –
Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer –
All-Clad 6 Piece Stainless Steel Cooking Tool Set –
All-Clad 3.5 quart Pot –
Le Creuset Enameled 7.5qt. Dutch Oven –

American Test Kitchen Cooking School Cookbook—
Nourishing Traditions –
Ball Canning Cookbook –

Canning Supplies I Used:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Presto Pressure Canner —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —
Pink Himalayan Salt —

Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: What We Eat In a Week | Pantry Challenge Week One

  1. Absolutely loved this video and the idea of the “what we eat in a week”. It gave me various meal ideas and ways that I could also work towards using up things in my pantry and things that I’ve canned or preserved. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  2. ROFLOL love the slow lip lick of your puppy dog as you ate the banana bread!Almond flour is good if you are reducing your gluten. I like mixing coconut flour and almond flour but they tend to need more liquid. Don’t overcook it as it tends to dry out. You made it perfectly

  3. Just found your videos, and i'm hooked! love your personality, you're so crafty and clever!… i'm learning quite a lot! looking forward to putting things into practice in my small farm, i'm in Botswana, by the way! (southern Africa)…sending a big virtual hug!

  4. I just love your channel. As a city dweller that always bought everything in a grocery store, it somehow makes me nostalgic – must be something natural to humans to want to grow, prepare and store their own food. At the same time, I can't believe how much stuff you made! I think I'd never be able to do it, and would be all – OK, so done now, uber eats it is! 🙂

  5. I've been a subscriber for a while and I think this was the first video that I've seen your husband in lol I really hope he knows how blessed he is to have you. I know the videos are edited but in nearly every one I've seen, you're so thoughtful and considerate of your husband, it's so wholesome and heartwarming. Not to mention the mental and physical energy you dedicate to real food meals for you both ❤❤❤

  6. Hey Becky I love following you. The zoom of your dog had me rolling on the floor laughing. You talk a lot about making baked oatmeal and I decided to give it a try. I tried it with apple cranberry pecan and it was phenomenal. I can't wait to try the blueberry and walnut next

  7. I live in South Africa and live kneading my own bread, until I made your bread today, so quick and easy and delicious. I also make my own pasta but today I made bulk pasta for the first time too. Thank you Becky you are an inspiration to me at my ripe age if 60. I love and enjoy following you so much.

  8. Great pantry challenge.
    I’ve never made corn tortillas before just the flour tortillas.
    I’ve made tamales 2x a long time ago and from what I can remember they were not hard, just time consuming. No I did not have a tamale pan or steamer.

  9. Yet again an inspiration to us all. I’m trying to use up those miscellaneous ingredients in the kitchen AND although I’m not doing this pantry challenge I have decided to make a more conscious effort to limit my grocery shopping to once a month. And I do have almond flour to use up so that banana bread recipe sounds perfect!! I’m going to whip it up now. Thanks!!

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