March 28, 2025

VIDEO: The Simple Art of Sowing Seeds in Modules

Today’s video is to mark the fact that the sowing season is starting to gradually pick up! In this video, I demonstrate the simple art of sowing seeds in modules for fantastic harvests. Sowing seeds is so important because it sets up the plant for the rest of its life, however, seed sowing is often overcomplicated so I want to show you how to get the best results using the simplest of techniques. Have a great time sowing!

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Simple Art of Sowing Seeds in Modules

  1. Hola Huw, desde Querétaro, Mexico, me encanta ver tus videos, sobre todo, por que te tomas el tiempo de explicar paso a paso todo el proceso desde la germinación de las semillas hasta la recolección. Yo tengo 4000 mt de terreno, y ahora estoy por empezar todo el proceso para hacer una huerta orgánica de hortalizas y frutales, y bueno con tus videos estoy muy motivada y espero hacerlo muy bien. Gracias y saludos desde mi HERMOSO MEXICO.

  2. Hi Huw. Any advice on what night time temperatures in a greenhouse tomato & pepper seedlings can handle – allowing for actual frost protection in the greenhouse. I have a new thermostat heater in a new small polycarbonate greenhouse but not sure on temperature parameters for seedlings. Starting seeds inside house atm

  3. I'd love to know exactly the mae of that super marker you used to write your labels. It writes so clearly.I've tried so many -all useless.
    Your videos are wonderfully easy to followe and cover the processes so thouroughly. A joy to watch

  4. Hi Huw, I got my onion and shallots delivery the other day, is it it best to keep them in the bags in a cool place or to pot them on in cells in the greenhouse,

  5. I have multi sown seeds for several decades and my inspiration was Geoff Hamilton who i was the first person I saw on tv who advocated this method. Shows my age!

  6. Thanks for clear, sensible instructions. I am starting seeds for the 1st time in Central Texas, which is warmer than you are. It was t-shirt weather today, but there is still time for a frost. I'm using the winter sowing method since I am a home gardener without a greenhouse or a system of shelves and grow lights indoors. I have also direct sowed lettuce and bachelor's buttons outside, protected against squirrels by chicken wire cloches.

  7. Great video. I also use a mini greenhouse.. I use it inside my non heated conservatory for starting seeds and then after the frosts I use the frame outside for putting my salad things on like cut & come again lettuce, pea shoots, beet leaves etc, to keep them away from the slugs

  8. My difficulty isn't seed starting in late winter or early spring. It's starting the veg at the end of summer that I will need 80% grown before the winter dormancy hits if I'm to be able to harvest anything in winter. I've now started three times: the seeds mostly germinate but one warm day (say 26C) and, despite being under double shade cloth, the soil in the modules/punnets gets to warm and they all die. It's NOT dried out, just too warm. Seriously frustrating

  9. I have a question about when you start sowing. Do you start what you package recommend or do you start a little bit early on? So you can plant little plants outside when your package actually recommends to sow them outside. Or is that a bad idea with temperature and stuff?

  10. Hey Huwe & everyone!
    I tried to research for some Organic peat free, multi-purpose compost to start of my seeds in Australia and I had no luck! Does anyone know where I can buy?

    And your videos are allways simple, that's why I enjoy watching all your videos! Thankyou, you have helped me in the past few years of my gardening!

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