March 17, 2025

VIDEO: I Have WAY Too Many Seeds – Complete Seed Tour Pt. 2

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: I Have WAY Too Many Seeds – Complete Seed Tour Pt. 2

  1. I have a 501c3 in wooster, Ohio. I teach at risk teens, veterans, and families in crisis… how to start seeds, how to garden, and how to can, etc. If anyone would be willing to donate anything to help us…that would be awesome!!! Any and all donations are 100% tax deductible… I do alot of recycling…so it can even be reusable items… if people want to even come and volunteer and help us add more greenhouse frames…awesome!!!

  2. Hey Luke,
    I did a 72 pack of Jiffy pods, a combo of veggies and herbs and only 5 didn't germinate, (I use a heat mat), I ran a second 72 and after a week about a third haven't sprouted, my only observation is the pods look very "wet", so I pulled the lid off. Is there a chance they will still germinate? Thanks Luke

  3. Hello lots of seeds I have a question do you know when you will have some trifecta plus available online been trying to purchase some for awhile and it's still not available

  4. I would enjoy a non-serious Luke Rants video.
    My favorite part of these inventory videos is your commentary on favorites and disappointments. Your preferences and recipe tidbits inspired me to put in another order! When Cindy participated in the first video I enjoyed her thoughts on the flowers.
    Thanks for all you share.

  5. Just quick..had petunia inside over winter to seed…looks like many..I'm in pa zone 6b/7a…think they will take in this spring? Kept plant on cold window sill all winter…shout out Soo Hawks!!

  6. I commented on 2 older videos, 87 year old seeds. I have some from 1918 in a wellsealed shadow box, labeled well, my great Aunt wrapped them in thick paper and left them in a trunk in my dad's attic. I want to try to germinate, grow and reproduce the plants. I also have a diligently completed botanical book recording location, growth, plant qualities, presipitation and soil description. Meticulously kept. I'm scared I'll destroy them although I have a green thumb, this is different. I can't find the rest of the videos on the 87 year old veggies you grew.

  7. COS Lettuce is what the British call Romaine lettuce, because it said to originate on the Greek Island of Cos (Kos). Off the coast of Turkey in the Aegean Sea. (also the birth place of the physician Hippocates) at least that's what I found when I looked it up. I wanted to know just like you!!

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