When starting seeds, the correct size container is important. In this episode we will cover what size containers work best, what to plant in them, how long the seedlings can survive in them, and so much more!
VIDEO: How to Pick The Right Size Container For Seed Starting
When starting seeds, the correct size container is important. In this episode we will cover what size containers work best, what to plant in them, how long the seedlings can survive in them, and so much more!
Thank you
Great video! As always I learned something.
Can you do a video in the future about what plants to start in which size cells? Thanks for all you do!
Size matters. For some, the smaller the better.
I couldn’t find a feedback section on your website so I figured I’d post a comment here. Thank you again for the seeds and as always y’all exceeded expectations.
To those of you who haven’t purchased seeds from MIgardener, give it a shot. Imho, they’re usually better than those you get from big box stores. Thanks again y’all, cheers!
Put strings in them before you put in the soil. Then you can pull up with the strings.
Larger containers for seed starting are fine as long as you’re only doing a small amount of plants. I typically start 12-15 plants from seed in containers that are 4”x4” and around 5” deep. Works perfect for me and don’t have to worry about potting up and have never had issues with mold or fungus because of the extra soil
I use a grapefruit spoon to transplant
I'd like to see you plant some seeds.
It looked to me like your fave flat was a 50 cell. 5 x 10. Regardless, good video. I haven't seen anyone talk about this topic before!
A chopstick or popsicle stick pushed up through the bottom helps release a plant from a cell. Best wishes from Kate in Olympia, WA
enlarge the hole in the bottom of the 72 rigid cell? big enough for finger to push the plug out?
I have a quick question about your tomatoes start date. You said you start them 5 to 7 weeks before your last frost date. On my mi gardener seed packet it says 10 to 12. I am not sure which one to go with
Luke, i swear you have a nack of posting videos 48 hours after i make that exact same mistake you are talking about. First time indoor sowing and i plopped everything in 4inch pots. Zucchini, onion, herbs, cucumbers, nasturtiums, brown eyed susans, all of em.
The sound is not synchronized
Thank you!!! So glad you made this. I’m just about to start my seeds and I was going to start them all in the same size (small) container. I think I’ll end up using solo cups with poked holes for the larger plants, since I don’t want to spend the money on more starting pots
love your videos! Thanks!
You should do a medicinal herb series/video! Specifically biblical herbs like Hyssop!
Luke, thank you! I have been starting seeds in larger containers thinking I was doing them a favor…so glad I caught this before I start my seeds!!! And yes I've had all the problems you mentioned with too large cells.
Something I found very useful is an old carving fork with flat prongs. I can slide the prongs down the side of the cell and lift the plant out without disturbing the roots.
can you give a list of fast growing and slow growing plants so I can know which cell size to use.
Burpee has some great seed starting trays that are solid with silicone bottoms so you just pop them out. Very convenient. They are more expensive but I use the one that I have all the time. I will probably get more.
your "72" cell flat is only 45
Love all y'all do for us! Thank you. Blessings, julie
Thanks for remarking that I shouldn't start seeds in the 3" pots this year. You are right about the moisture problem.
Another thing with potting up: you have to make sure you have the room to put all those bigger plants! A flat of 36 or 72 all of a sudden becomes 2-3 TABLES full of that many 3" pots!
It's fun though! And gives your room(s) lots of fresh oxygen to breathe!