June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Hydroponic Bok Choy Using the Kratky Method | An Experiment with Small Cups and Cotton Balls

Is bigger better? In this experiment I am growing Bok Choy (also known as Pak Choi, Bok Choi, or Pak Choy) in small cups two ways, on cotton balls and in rockwool. Please enjoy this small experiment…..I did!

Amazon links to products used in this video.
Wide Mouth Mason Jars: https://amzn.to/3hYwJnI
3 inch Net cups: https://amzn.to/36a5Afp
Grow Big Hydroponic Nutrient Solution: https://amzn.to/37GYBLn
Masterblend Nutrient Formula: https://amzn.to/3N1URo0
Bok Choy Seeds: https://amzn.to/3igpKXk
Rockwool: https://amzn.to/3N0nbHa
Hydroponic Clay Pebbles: https://amzn.to/3Igvnzu

Disclaimer: Some of the above links are Amazon affiliate links and I receive a small commission with each sale at no extra cost to you. Thanks so much for the support.

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: Hydroponic Bok Choy Using the Kratky Method | An Experiment with Small Cups and Cotton Balls

  1. That’s Nice I made the mistake of putting six lettuce seed per cotton ball and they all germinated some are even growing roots through the ball haven’t put it through the mason jars yet

  2. Perhaps the roots don't have enough air. Perhaps if you double-cupped it, it would create more aeration. I've seen that done, where the top cup had holes in it, and was set over the bottom cup that just had a few pebbles. The person lifted up the top cup every day to give it more air.

  3. Just FYI, I tried cotton, cotton pads, loofah, and just leaving the seeds in water to germinate. Everything got moldy and killed my plants. They were covered in foil and had zero light access. However, as soon as they were exposed to light, the algae killed my little baby plants by the next day.
    Glad you were able to work with cotton. I wasn’t able to.

  4. I planted some basil in cotton balls. But the basil doesn’t seem to be growing. I don’t see any roots. The plants are only like a 1/4 inch tall. The basil that I started after the cotton ball ones art much bigger than the rockwool ones. Not sure what’s happening!

  5. I actually went in the opposite direction and purchased a set of six 1/2 gallon mason jars. The idea was to compare growth of lettuce and other greens against that of the growth in quart jars. The larger jars have the same sized opening/lids as the wide mouthed quart jars so 3" net cups can be used for all. Still procrastinating

  6. It works best with soda aluminium cans and 2 inch netcups. The netcups fit in snugly, there is ample space for the roots as well and no fear of algae so no covering required. Just give it a try once.

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