Today’s video shares a way that we can enjoy garlic from our garden around 12 weeks before the main harvest, as well as the 3 main types of harvests we can get from this wonderful crop! I hope that this gives you lots of ideas and helps you have a more strategic approach to growing garlic next season and help make you even more self-sufficient in this crop, and gives you a really luxury ingredient during the hungry gap and already start your second crops of the season in May!
Green garlic recipes:
Huw to grow garlic tutorial:
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Intro 0:00
The 3 Garlic Harvests 0:18
Spring planting benefit 1:18
Core Hungry Gap Crop 1:39
Harvesting Tips 2:16
Early Succession Planting 3:02
How to enjoy this garlic 3:25
Heckled by a sheep 5:36
Maximize Yield Planting Method 6:37
Undercover green garlic? 7:10
How to grow garlic 7:46
#greengarlic #hungrygap #selfsufficiency
Thx Huw you’ve answered a question for me! I’ll remove the volunteer garlic from the bed where tomatoes will be planted and construct a poly tunnel over top. Potato spring garlic soup tonight!
because it's below zero here. lol
Great advice, just about to start pulling some young garlic. The whole bulb crushed turns into juice, is sweet & doesn't get that awful burnt garlic effect.
Hi Huw after watching one of your videos about planting diagonally last year, I did it with with my onions last season, you had sketch of a straight planted bed against diagonal planted could you put a link to the video please thanks Steve
Awesome video! Going out back to pick some for compound butter right now! I also like to chop and ferment my green garlic with ginger and some dried red chiles, mix with some olive oil and lemon zest, then use as a condiment for grilled meats.
Hi Huw! I'm sure this has been asked before, but do you and Sam have any plans to start a cooking channel featuring the food you grow (ie what you have on the blog but video form)? I'd subscribe in an instant.
Could you try growing one of the tropial or sub-tropical garlic varieties in the polycrub? That should work. Lots of ideas in this video, thank you Huw.
Your laughter is so heartwarming
thanks for brightening up my day
would love to see more of your outtakes like this or like the video on Liz´ channel when she tried to say her outro 
I like the concept of combining gardening and cooking tips
I'm going to dehydrate my onions whenever they are ready.Thanks
I haven't laughed so hard in ages, thank you so much, not just for the quality of information and ideas but for pure entertainment value as well. Huw, you are such an inspiration. Thank you.
It's so refreshing with a good laugh…thank you Huw…..Thomas, Denmark
The sheep were the best part
Muy buena informacion. Gracias.
There is a fourth type of harvest if you grow hardneck types. This is to harvest the flower stalk or scape. Yummy.
This was awesome ! Thank you !!!
I had never heard of green garlic until today and yours is the second video that mentioned it. Thank you for the recipes and explanation.
Thanks for the great info as always! Love your channel. I’m way over in Seattle WA.
one thing that is great for the hungry gap… lamb stew.
did the sheep object to that recipe or what? lolz. On a separate note, the production value on your videos is quite high: so many angles, perspectives, cuts and high quality sounds and video, amazing.
Or if you always plant too much garlic, this looks like a great way to trim it down. That garlic butter looks delicious. I think I'll try it. I always plant too much hard neck garlic and it ends up going bad before we use it up which is always sad.
This video made my day :))) Great laugh plus interesting information. Perfekt!