June 10, 2024

VIDEO: IF You ONLY Have 6 Weeks to PREPARE

If you only have 6 weeks to get it all together-what would you do?
How would you advise others?
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching! 😊
~ Eye-Deep In Hell Book: https://www.amazon.com/Eye-Deep-Hell-Trench-Warfare-World/dp/0801839475/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1653578029&sr=8-1
~ All American 921 Canner: https://amzn.to/3w88tpG
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle: https://amzn.to/3ot1KEb
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6
Patara’s Social Media:
~ Facebook: https://goo.gl/6Sf4II
~ Facebook Premium Group: goo.gl/n4bnMo
~ Instagram:https://goo.gl/PjL8qp

*Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933


Music by Epidemic Sound


28 thoughts on “VIDEO: IF You ONLY Have 6 Weeks to PREPARE

  1. Learn to Forage. Get books on what wild edibles are available in your area. It may be the difference in starving, or having knowledge that is a valuable barter tool. Many weeds are actually nutritional, free ingredients to add to what you have stored.

  2. I was motivated to prep for my fur babies. 3 different stores were out of their wet food, and most have stopped carrying their dry kibble. The fourth store had a lot, but I purchased $110 worth. It had been a burden on me for two weeks. I was afraid I was too late.

  3. How about finding a push plow, fuel will not last long if using it to plow all the time. A old fashioned hand crank drill, a hand crank for a manual washer, a clothesline. There are so many things I can think of. Take care and be well !

  4. Canned 12 jars of blackberry jelly from juice I froze last year. Put my wheat, oats, and rice into Mylar bags today. Will do more tomorrow. Taking a mental break for the next week from social media as we go camping with our kids. Praying and staying busy.

  5. Food, Fuel and Fertilizer is what is going on. Family and Freedom and Firearms. The awakening is happening. Please stay in touch and pray our enemies foreign and domestic are here in USA

  6. I really worry about medicines being available. I know that many are in short supply. Also access to medical care in general. I did order antibiotics from Jase Medical. Took about a month to receive them but it gave me piece of mind knowing that I have a supply of emergency antibiotics if needed.

  7. Amen chica! Something I’ve been doing for a little bit now is every store run I buy some extra of what I use…just 2 or 3 each.

  8. Just bought my pressure canner and dehydrator. Food for at least 1 year…need more. Husband still in denial. Blankets for the cold, generator, some long term food. Lots of hand tools need tp and paper towels have meds and herbal meds everyone herbal remedies!!!

  9. Tennessee has just made it illegal to camp on public land unless it is a designated camp ground.
    Cannot even sleep in your vehicle, on a ramp side of the road on the edge of the lake ect.
    House bill 0978
    Senate bill 1610
    Makes you wonder if you can park at Walmart if your traveling.
    If you notice every state is doing something to tighten the noose around our neck.

  10. Love your uplifting, helping attitude, thank you. Wanted to mention, we watched a "Periscope Films-Life in the Thirties" you tube and it was very surprizing how similar in many ways it was to what we are starting to go thru as a people and country now…Try It Out.

  11. Added to my supplies today.
    I have mobility problems anymore and cannot handle, the big tiller and hugh garden, so i turned them over to my son and I turned to a small green house and big planters..
    I also buy canned goods instead of canning them all myself
    So today I added a case of green beans, a case of whole kernel corn, a case of peas, and a case of mixed veggies, as well as buying one of those Emeril LAgasse oven/air fryer/rotisserie, basically everything oven with French doors, from my sister. She bought it and then decided it was "too many pieces to fool with" due to the accessories.
    Cord was still rolled up and taped to the back of it and I got it for $50!
    I think my stocking up has also made an impression on my son because he pulled out that big tiller, serviced it, tilled up the garden and planted a garden for the first time in several years. He and his wife both work and they've said for the last few years that they just didn't have time to take care of it, but they planted one this year

  12. I wish I could actually prepare and stick for our family. It’s difficult being a military family and having to move every few years. All the back stock takes so much weight to move around.

  13. I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Stock up please. Plus you will be 1 less person shooting at me when you're hungry.

  14. Finally had a dry day, another raised bed was built and filled and planted with beans and acorn squash. We have potatoes, onions, herbs, tomatoes and strawberries planted as well. Its not nearly enough tho. It has been so wet and very cool where I live that I worry about growth rates.

  15. I recently bought a book on natural remedies. I traveled to take care of my elderly parents for a couple of weeks and, using what i learned from the book, i gathered a bunch of usnea to take home to make an antibiotic tincture. Also stocking up on other natural remedies to support healing in our bodies if we needed it.

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