September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Secrets to Successful Corn: Grow the Juiciest Cobs 🌽

Everybody loves sweet corn! 💛 Which is why it’s so disheartening when there are gaps left gaping in our cobs’ kernels, like unfulfilled hopes and dreams. It’s sad. It’s frustrating.

Thankfully, Ben is here to tell us what to do about it, so that we can have the corn of our dreams; full, juicy and oh-so-delicious! 🌽

For our other videos on growing corn, see Perfect Corn Every Time:

And Growing Sweetcorn from Sowing to Harvest:–iMD4YcA

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Secrets to Successful Corn: Grow the Juiciest Cobs 🌽

  1. That appears to be four square foot bed. If the outside rows are planted 3-4 inches in from the edge, then that leaves you 40-42 inches of planting area, therefore your plants would be 10-11 inches apart, if evenly spaced. Not 14-16 inches.

  2. I am planting Seneca Sunrise, from Seed Treasures, and will help them with pollination as you have demonstrated. Wish me luck for a good harvest!

  3. I live in a very warm climate (coastal South Carolina, US) and we've been growing corn for 3 or 4 years (just a personal patch for 2, maybe 20 or 30 stalks). We did know to hand pollinate but did not know each silk needs to be pollinated for each kernal! Also, I was doing it wrong. I was kind of tapping on the tassels but not the stalk, and not using an entire tassel to wipe on the silks. We do often have spaces missing. We just got our tassels this year and are waiting on our silks! Thank you! Will try this! We love Silver Queen and are also trying Bantam this year.

  4. Hi Ben .
    Iam growing prelude F1
    This season and the plants which are in a block are already 4ft tall my problem is I cannot see any cobs forming yet, the plants themselves are super healthy iam I being impatient or could something be wrong?
    Thank you for any advice
    Regards Dave

  5. I am growing Silver Queen here in Northern New Mexico. This is my first attempt at corn. We have had a good monsoon season for a change as we are in a megadrought situation. Thank you for the pollination tips! I will definitely use them.

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