#AcreHomestead #BackyardHomestead #growingfood
Green Stalk (Use Code ACRE for $10 an Order of $75+) –https://lddy.no/13ezw
There is a BOGO 60% off from June 30 – July 5th, 2022 plus if you use the code ACRE
you get an extra $10 off!
Products Mentioned
Dwarf Sunflower Seeds – https://shrsl.com/3l8q5
Root Bags – https://shrsl.com/3cd17
Grow Lights – https://shrsl.com/3cttb
Heat Matt – https://shrsl.com/3cttq
Online Seed Companies I Order From:
Hoss Tools – https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=862842&u=2917589&m=65739&urllink=&afftrack=
MI Gardener (Use Code ACRE for 10% OFF) – https://migardener.com/?ref=4jEfPKG3z651q
Seeds for Generations – https://seedsforgenerations.com/?utm_campaign=SeedOrganization&utm_medium=YouTube&utm_source=AcreHomestead&ref=186&campaign=SeedOrganization
Butcher Box – If you shop through my Butcher Box link you will get 2 lbs of FREE 100% grass-fed, grass-finished ground beef in every order for the life of your membership, plus $10 off the first box! https://bchrbox.co/scratchpantry
The Canning Lids I Use | Use Code ACREHOME10 for 10% off – https://forjars.co?sca_ref=1911244.vcLLwyZBhg
Canning Supplies I Used:
Electric Presto Pressure Canner – https://amzn.to/3JxsUlL
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) — https://amzn.to/3w2SZlX
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan — https://amzn.to/2SjodX0
Stainless Steel Strainers — https://amzn.to/3eaM8As
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit — https://amzn.to/3eafXkv
30-Day Free Audible Membership with 2 Free Books – https://amzn.to/3mCLKyT
A Year Without The Grocery Store Book – https://amzn.to/3CE4Mdz
Azure Standard – https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=5aefb8cc26
Redmond Real Salt | Use Code ACRE for 15% off
Organic and Biodynamic Wine Club – https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=999743&u=2917589&m=32643&urllink=&afftrack=
Freeze Dryer –https://affiliates.harvestright.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=1129&url=160&tid1=youtube&tid2=20211021&tid3=_WF-0osKFGw
Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687
Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!
Something is up with the germination rate of a lot of things this year!!! I'm thankful I had old stock on seed. I bought corn seed for this year I had only 4 of the 100 pop up. I had corn seed from 2017 and all but maybe 4 of the 100 popped. A neighbor down the road planted his entire patch to only have 12 stalks pop….conspiracy theory…Chem trails are affecting crops
Pruning tomatoes is beneficial if you're going for size rather than bulk. I've found that the ones left to go wild, are happier, produce substantially more, produce longer and are just as tasty. Regardless of variety. That's my experience anyway.but not where I live now, I haven't gotten a single tomato in 4 years of trying to grow here. Pests ruin them before they ripen, regardless of how much I spray, pick off, poison…..no one I know has managed it here yet
Those look like fantastic dandelions which would make great dandelion root tea!
I really think that the problem you had was to many different types of plants in one bed. They all competed for sun, water and especially nutrients. MIGardener planted 6000 mixed seeds in one raised bed. This was after harvesting potatoes. He tilled it well and amended the soil well then planted the seeds. All of his seeds were of similar types of plants, lettuce, pakchoi, radishes, cabbages, carrots. He did not plant tomatoes, beans, peppers or flowers in the same bed with those seeds. His soil was amazing. You might want to take a look at his take on planting like this it was about 2 years ago. Just a suggestion.
I have never commented before, but I watch all the time. I just wanted to let you know that you have motivated me to start our family a garden. I’m disabled and was late starting and I’ve got plants coming up everywhere. I’m scared of how much seed I planted now that I see them coming up! I have to separate tomato plants. I let my kiddo help me with planting the seeds and he must have put 3-4 in each hole because I’m scared!! I love it though! I’m so proud!
I'm having a terrible time with green beans too! I'm in Central WA, my leaves look like yours and I'm not sure what to do. I've read that maybe a row cover could help.
I really enjoy your videos. I’m an aspiring container gardener (don’t have the space for a large garden), and I learn from you! It’s never a success or a fail…it’s a success or a learn!
Hey my friend, oh my how you are teaching me about gardening. I'm motivated to try my hand at gardening now. My neighbor has the green thumb, so now I can help him harvest & weed out the garden. Is that right, "weed out?" I'm excited!
The corn seeds might be eaten/stolen from ants . I have this happen to me all the time with coriander seeds
So sad your leaving all of your hard work
I would love your tomatillo/salsa verde canned recipe! Thanks for these wonderful videos!
plant trees at your new place now
You should be so proud of yourself, you have created a beautiful garden and a legacy for the new owners to take pleasure from. Never have regrets because everything we do in life leads us to the the next place and we bring all that knowledge, confidence and gratitude with us. x
I’m in Central WA and my dent corn came up great but the other varieties didn’t do well. I replanted another variety and now they’re finally coming up.
such a beautiful garden and video. i loved the featured bunny bandit. tehe but i have to say you have inspired me so much i work a full time job and i am trying to balance a garden in my tiny backyard, trying to optimize my yield, dealing with pest, etc i just feel so motivated to keep try even though i neglect it sometimes to to being busy or tired. i am trying to save for my first home and eating out of the garen is so helpful and your pantry videos are even more helpful. thank you sooo much
is that weed prickly lettuce can make a tincture for pain from that its valuable native plant species
@46:00 I would suggest throwing some beans & squash seeds anywhere there.. u then still have time for them to grow. And if nothing grew.. that’s totally fine too since u did not put any hard work
Hallo Becky don't buy so hard on your self. You can't do it all. Your garden looks fabulous. And when it rains a lot several plant a struckel. Maybe they will jet come to grow when the sun is going to shine more. Greeting from Holland
I have never pruned my tomatoes and always get an awesome harvest.
I'm from New Zealand and have watched all your videos. Last year I did the same thing with my tomatoes. I left the suckers on and pruned the other leaves that don't produce fruit. I had a large crop. Maybe the largest crop yet, but later on I got blight. I sprayed with hydrogen peroxide and so fended it off a bit but then we had a lot of rain and it came back. Anyway because of the blight it was difficult to tell whether it was a success but I am going to try it again this year. I will prune off some more leaves but not the suckers. Just enough so the leaves aren't touching each other so I can avoid blight. But I thought of this too and despite everyone elses advice decided to do the same thing as you. I will be interested to see how it works for you.
You have done so well with your garden crops and your beautiful flowers, not every year things will go right the weather has a lot of influence on crops, last year we grew peppers in abundance this year is not great. but other things are coming and always remember you are truly blessed. I agree with taking pictures for the new family and it will make you feel good inside by doing so. have you tried pod peas these can also be grown in bags and wire netting the peas are great to eat raw with salads or on their own. love your abundance, things will improve in your new home grounds and the sun will make your harvest better. Love to you and josh and the fur babies. xxx
I am sooo late in planting my gardens. I live on the East Coast of North Carolina, but it should be ok. We get a very late to no winter. So I will be getting my veggies when others are done.
About corn when their is to much water sometimes it can rot before it comes out other times you just need to wait it out
Wow Becky, I've been food gardening for over 40 years and what you have achieved in 3 years is incredible. Your garden looks beautiful to me, all those flowers and herbs mixed in with the fruit and vegetables. I totally get your emotion about seeing all those blueberries. You will build an even more abundant garden in your new home and the knowledge you have gained will mean you can hit that new ground running. You and Josh work at such a pace, don't forget to take some time to stop and smell the roses!