Sharing more warnings today & encouraging you to stay busy in your daily preparedness plan! See you on the farm!
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PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933
Music by Epidemic Sound
I took a break and went to meet my 9 Mo old grandbaby. I have been feeling a quiet desperation to see my family, my daughter and grandchildren. We live 600 miles apart. I’m grateful that you read the letter from the viewer in the Netherlands. I keep feeling the need to hear that a dark storm is coming because I tend to bury it in my mind. My garden is not producing anything due to the heat and persistent drought in TX. I’ve been long term storing dry goods. I am reading a book called Psalm 91. I think every Christian should consider reading it. It’s about God’s promise of protection.
Morality is down the drain for many.
I am new here, from Canada. You seem like super woman to me, lol, stay strong!…everyone!
2Timothy 3: 3-6
We homeschool year-round. That gives us the flexibility to take off whenever needed and take off extra time around Christmas.
Wow what an intro
My hubby is finally seeing what I ave been saying. He has always supported my prepping, even though he teases me somtimes, but he now sees what is going on!!! Love you gal!!
Pull your car into the garage to unload your car if it can be seen from the road. People are watching. James is so much like my dad. A man of few words but everyone keeps quiet when he speaks because it is worth it.
Another Southernprepper 1 fan here.
Those that aren't paying attention aren't going to make it, with what is happening. Keep telling the truth, Patara. I love your spirit
Prior to the pandemic, people had been robbed in the parking lots at grocery stores in Atlanta, GA. and it's surrounding suburbs for money, jewelry and or their cars.
Saginaw chippewa Indian tribe pow wow this weekend.
Thanks for all you do.
I think we need God back into everything!
The perilous times are coming look at all the earthquakes today in in the world United States Philippines Chile God is speaking I hope we're all listening
Prayer is good. Faith is good. But, action is also good and revolutions are sometimes unavoidable. The Luciferian Globalist billionaires will not stop until they are stopped. Keep praying and keep the faith but remember that faith without works is dead. Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo had to be stopped by force of arms. These billionaires and their corrupt political allies are neo fascist.
May the Lord's peace, which surpasses all understanding, rest upon each and every one of you. Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be anxious. Keep your eyes set on Jesus. He will never fail you or forsake you. Most importantly, give thanks in all circumstances because His grace is sufficient.
Our homeschool year is starting Aug 8th. We tend to also start before the public schools in our area. Same reasons you mentioned and it allows more flexibility to take an extra day or a few each quarter! Love the channel
You worry about everything, but James is your ground! You need a ground to put you back in place to calm you down! I am the same way! I need a ground!
I like hearing or confirming what I hear from sources that I am not the only one! You keep going girl!
You are so right. People are changing. Life is gonna get scary. It’s sad.
Love your videos. Thank you for the info you share. Our farmers here have had a decent amount of rain. Took a drive to the home place and the cod looked good. I haven’t had the best with my container plants, I think just too hot. But I will do better next year.
We are with you. NW AR and the world supports you.
It will come here!!!!
Yes I am on another social media platform and there are people speaking out all over the world about the food shortages and all of the other agendas that are in motion towards this New World Order.