March 23, 2025

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: It's Moving Day ONE!!

  1. If deer don't eat blueberry bushes. The deer out in our area didn't get the memo! I've been fighting deer, birds and probably other wildlife eating my plants and all the berries. They are even eating the green berries that aren't even turning blue yet. I find that deer eat everything. They are even eating my potato and tomato plants! Whoever made that list of what deer don't eat. Must never have lived way out in the country and have real deer. Not the cartoon deer of Disney films. And don't feel sorry for them not having any food to eat. I live on the southern oregon coast where there is thousands of acres of every kind of food they could want. But no! They want what I work my rear off growing.

  2. Love the Bathroom colour. I am looking forward to Josh and yourself, and the dogs, sitting down in a week or so all unpacked, not everything done, just yet, and just having that feeling of we are home, this is ours. Enjoy.

  3. The paint looks great! A suggestion though – you may want to spit out your gum before filming. It is very distracting to see you chewing the whole video. All love!

  4. You window reminds me of my grandson who is three his mom took him to the zoo and he had a melt down because his mom stopped him from licking the glass at the underwater window to the sea lion enclosure

  5. I believe deer do eat blueberries. At least from what I remember. I hope your family is okay, and the emergencies are all worked out. Congrats on getting moved in!!!!!

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