June 8, 2024

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Start a Homestead Food Garden: Everything You Need to Know

  1. I love your videos. A lot of good information in them. I live in central Texas and the climate here is very similar to Portugal where you are. Very hot and dry summers and this year with particularly little to no rainfall. We had an issue with our plants burning up in the hot summer. 40+ C. I am curious to see how you will shade your garden as it is something I realized this year that it will be a must. Also I have implemented your style of garden beds as our soil is very compacted and with a lot of clay. Also missing a lot of vital nutrients as well.

  2. Are you buying seeds, or collecting your own seeds from the strongest plants?
    If you are collecting your own seeds, why not set up a web shop and have an additional income? I personally prefer to buy from people I like and trust, than from a company that only focuses on profit.

  3. Hi there. 🙂 A new colour LUT you are using now (talking scene), is washed out of colours. Or maybe it's just aperture value too high.

    Of course, love Your professional planning on the farm.

  4. Thanks for info but you are speaking so fast without break that it is difficult to listen to. If you slow down it will be a win-win situation. But great info thanks

  5. Currently using cow manure from the “kraal”, would you recommend this for growing vegetables immediately since it’s the only compost I have access to and I can’t wait for 6 months for it to break down completely.

  6. I love your channel and content, especially about growing in Portugal. We just bought a vacation home in central Portugal and we are starting our garden beds. The biggest challenge is language and finding supplies.

  7. 6 yrs now into no-dig raised garden beds, but you mentioning trees growing on the west side having a cooling effect: great! My neigbours on the west side chopped all their trees and bushes, add 4 hot spells during the summer and almost no rain. Had to double the amount of watering. Although the potatoe beds did not need so much, most likely because I covered them with a 4 inch (10 cm) thick layer of ornamental grasses, lets say hay.

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