March 18, 2025

VIDEO: What do you want to know? (The aftermath of the freeze) | VLOG

Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

WHERE TO FIND US (Some of the links here are affiliate links. If you purchase through our links we’ll receive a small commission but the price remains the same – OR BETTER – for you! Be sure to check for any mentioned discount codes.)

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PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order):
– Squizito Tasting Room (Use code “ROOTS” for 10% off your order):
– ButcherBox:
– Growers Solution:

#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: What do you want to know? (The aftermath of the freeze) | VLOG

  1. We are definitely new and the one thing I’m having a hard time understanding is the soil to use in raised beds? I have no idea on what the soil needs. I’m trying to get all the beds built now to be ready for the spring. Also I would love to see more scratch cooking. I’m a little nervous for after we plant everything what are we to do with it all.

  2. When you realize the place that there may come a point where your families going to rely on you to make sure your garden produces to feed them sometimes…I get petrified of failure. Being brand new and not knowing when is the right time to harvest….what is the hints that it’s ready to be harvested. How do you know the timing of when to plant. How to plan the garden in the winter for spring? Preparing the beds for the next spring…bed rotation? Reason for bed rotation…picking the right variety for your location? Before I thought kale was kale now I’m overwhelmed by the variety. I want them all! Maximizing plants in a small footprint. How much do you plant knowing that the birds and critters will get them etc.

  3. What I need help with is gardening in a smaller space. We bought our house in the middle of summer this year. I was able to put the garlic and berrys in, but that is all prep for next year. My garden is a little more than 1000 square feet (100m2) and I want to plant it all!
    What I love t watch is basicly everything that makes you giggle. It's basicly how you install the love for your livestyle in to people.

  4. Jess, What I love is your excitement over the garden spider, wishing your new little sprouts happy birthday or a conversation with your dogs. I am 69 and live on a small lot in the Northwest. But no matter your age or where you live, excitement over the life in the garden fills my heart. Just you keep being you is what I like to see. Thank you, Jess.

  5. I would LOVE to see some recipes with diet restrictions. I have cut gluten, sugar, inflammatory foods, and fruits, I am Keto and for the last month and a half have only been buying everything organic. Erythritol/monk fruit is my only sweetener, not even honey or maple sugar and I am a 68 old southern cook who is floundering with meals. I want to cook with my homegrown and purchased veggies and the beef and chicken we get but without the potatoes and breads to go with those wonderful roasts I am at a loss. HELP

  6. I'd like to see more of the full day and full week at the farm. Also, a calendar of what you did each day, for a full year, even though different years vary a little. I especially want to know more about fertilizer schedules.

  7. I love watching you try something new. A different way to grow something you already know how to grow. I want to hear what the upshot of the techniques you are experimenting with to restore contaminated soil. Different plants and varieties. Different methods. You are able to track things well. Everyone has something you can probably still learn. You have lots that I can glean still. Keep experimenting. Your neighbors in SC probably have handed down tricks that are different than you encountered in your former state. Keep your learning ears open as you teach. And thank you for sharing.

  8. Hi Jess. The thing that drew me to your channel at the very beginning was your childlike wonder for this world we live in- the careful observation and appreciation of finding beauty in all things, from unexpected seedlings sprouting to the biggest, juiciest tomatoes you can imagine. As life has changed, your channel has pivoted away from garden magic to homesteading, and with it has come a new burden of keeping up with the demands of a full time farm, hoards of viewers, and a growing business. I accept and appreciate this change in season and change in tone. But man, I sure do miss when the stakes were lower and you created only because it spilled from your heart.

    So to answer your question, I don’t think it’s about what we would like to see— I think what’s more important is rediscovering what YOU would like to see and then bundling it in your unique vision and words as only you can. Jess, I hope you still find joy, fun, and wonder in this.

  9. Whenever my anxiety gets the best of me and I am alone, my boyfriend always tells me: “hey, why don’t you go ahead and watch the garden lady”
    When I am watching your videos I don’t feel alone, it feels like a friend and I are walking though the garden and look at all the pretty wonderful things

  10. For me, Roots and Refuge is both an inspiration and a walk down memory lane. I am 73 and spent 20+ years living off grid on a most self sustaining farm in Oregon. I milked three cows by hand at one point and those cows were my darlings. Early in the morning and in the evening light I looked forward to some quiet time alone with my cows. So that is the walk down memory lane part that I so appreciate. On the other hand, I look forward to your kitchen videos for cooking inspiration and the garden segments for new ideas of plants to grow, and ways to grow things differently. But, most of all I just wait to see and hear you. I am just another gardening fool – just a few years older.

  11. You have helped bring back the love of gardening. I have been growing a garden but the joy was lost. In 2013 i had my best also was one of my worst time in life; my Daddy was dying. He loved seeing my garden in photos especially my mortgage lifter tomatoes. I lost my Dad and my love of gardening. Two months later Mom broke her hip. She passed in 2015; 4 months later, our house burnt to the ground along with our cats, sentimental things from my parents, everything damaged or gone .. Outside; cars/rv, trees, sheds, greenhouse, hot tub and my garden. This week is the first time i have waterbath canned since 2013. This year a garden and preparing for what life has coming for us all is important and i am so glad i saw one of your videos a while back that showed your excitement when you said "Happy Birthday" to a sprouting plant. Also, I am 63 now but as a kid i grew up on a farm so i love seeing all the personalities in your animals..and my goodness your precious children and Hubby..blessings to you and yours.

  12. Do it just like that….authentic, straight, kind, caring, poetic, down to earth, warm,cold,sick,emotional, tired…be you…it all matters, even the seemingly mundane and especially the everyday…every beautiful breath….my gratitude is buoyed with your blessing.

  13. I want to know more about those little melons you grew. How do you protect from bugs, birds, and rodents? Something ate all mine.

    Also, how Do you deal with whiteflies, etc?

  14. Hey Jess. I think I look for you to share the little romantic moments that can only come from the homestead. Cooking from scratch, food prep, housework, planting and harvesting, soil building, experiments, animals, critters, crafts, gadgets, hacks, family, friends, devotion. All of it. It keeps my dream alive.

    Also, loved your excitement for the spider. We get it ❤

  15. I would love to see how you balance everything. How do you homeschool, keep up with housework, make meals, garden, raise animals, and make sure you use what you've grown so it doesn't go to waste? I feel like homesteading is still overwhelming since I wouldn't have any staff to help me. I can handle homeschooling and I make most of our meals from scratch, but it is all purchased from the store because just weeding takes up all my time. I would love to homestead, but it feels just out of reach.

  16. I’ve been a long time watcher and I’ve gardened right alongside with you. I must admit, though, I miss the simplistic early days before your “success.” I’m so happy for you, about everything, but something has fundamentally changed and I can’t quite figure out what. I’m not business minded and I don’t aspire for “greatness” and perhaps that’s the part of your journey where I’ve become less connected. I’m here to see the new blooms, the butterflies, and the frosts that kill the plants. You have so much more going on now that those things are no longer the focus of your channel. I wish they were.

  17. Oooh what a fun opportunity… like most here, watch everything you share because you think its beautiful, important, note worthy… and i am fully here for all of it. I am at the point now in my super young gardening journey, where i am not sure what to plant. In the South Africa, we are in full spring/almost summer. Every seed/plant seems like a great idea to grow, but i am like "what am i going to do with 5 egg plants?" Or what do i do with this fruit or that leaf?" All this to say, id love to see how you use your produce. And your pantry setup… but love everything you share

  18. Gardening is for everyone..Spring here and my sister (89yrs) has informed me that she has planted several rows of potatoes, her tomatoes and cucumbers. She has beautiful Peonies and roses and mows her 1/2 acre lawns herself. Her garden keeps her young.

  19. Thank you for adding the degrees in Celsius, haha, we're in Australia so I'm always trying to convert the temp in my head.
    Arrrgh, frost can be so frustrating!
    I love the colours of rainbow chard. We grow a lot for us and for our chickens.
    Mmmmm, Kimchi is the best.
    Thanks for another great video! We always learn so much from you xxx

  20. Thank you for being so thoughtful. I have watched your channel for years now and am always excited for a new video no matter what the content. I am an avid gardener and enjoy the experiments in the garden the most. I dream of cows and follow the informational videos there. But I want you to know that one of your recent devotionals led me back into relationship with God after years of separation and for that I am forever grateful. ♥️

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